13 Halloween Movies To Watch This Year | The Odyssey Online
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13 Halloween Movies To Watch This Year

'Tis the season for hot chocolate, pumpkin spice everything and Halloween movies.

13 Halloween Movies To Watch This Year
Aphrodite Shop

'Tis the season for hot chocolate, pumpkin spice everything and Halloween movies. It's pretty easy to find the first two on the list, but a little trickier to figure out what you're going to watch during October.

A good rule of thumb is to follow Freeform's annual "13 Nights of Halloween" for a movie to-do list (and you will probably find some of these on their schedule), but if you're looking to go solo, the following list of Halloween classics should tide you over.

Whether it's old Disney or lighthearted horror/comedy films, just sit back, relax and enjoy!

1. Hocus Pocus

Naturally this makes the first on the list. If you haven't seen this Halloween classic, you've missed out on a memorable 90 minutes. This 1993 gem is about a teenager, his kid sister and their friend accidentally reincarnating three evil (and hilarious) witches. Together, with the help of a bitter talking cat, they must stop the witches from becoming immortal.

2. Halloweentown I, II, III, and IV

This four-film series follows Marnie Piper as she navigates a world full of witches, ghouls, ghosts, vampires, etc., who have separated themselves from the mortal world so they can live in peace. Sounds a bit reminiscent of "Harry Potter," right?

The series stars Debbie Reynolds and Kimberly J. Brown (Sara Paxton and Lucas Grabeel star in the last movie!), who make this series so memorable and loved.

3. Caspar Meets Wendy

In 1998, Hilary Duff played Wendy the Good Little Witch, who met Casper the Friendly Ghost at a special resort for the supernatural. Together, the two take down the resort's warlock bully.

4. Casper

You can't have a Halloween movie list without "Casper!" This 1995 classic stars a young Christina Ricci (Kat), who is dragged along by her ghost specialist father to a million-dollar mansion to communicate with the resident ghosts.

Casper quickly falls in love Kat, but she's not amused by his uncle's antics.

5. The Nightmare Before Christmas

When it comes to the holidays, "The Nightmare Before Christmas" gives you the best of both worlds. You can watch it at Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas!

The movie follows Jack Skellington of Halloweentown. He's basically the "grinch" of Halloween when he stumbles across Christmastown and attempts to take over the town and holiday.

6. Monster House

Who doesn't want to watch three teenagers try to destroy a haunted house that wants to eat them?

7. The Mask

Jim Carrey plays a timid bank clerk who finds a mask that transforms him into a caricature. His charm and preposterous behavior eventually lands him into trouble with a local gang leader.

8. The Master of Disguise

Pistachio Disguisey discovers he has a genetic gift for disguises, and hilariously transforms from a clumsy waiter to a Master of disguise.

9. The Addams Family (1991)

The television show is a must-watch, but in the interest of movies, the 1991 film is something everyone has to see on Halloween. It's a classic who's very essence is Halloween.

10. Hotel Transylvania I and II

Visit a hotel full of the supernatural beings you believed were myth...and prepare to laugh your head off!

11. Beetlejuice

This 1988 classic is full of crazy randomness, and if you haven't seen it, sit down and watch it asap! Beetlejuice is a troublesome spirit who helps a recently deceased couple haunt the new residents of their home.

12. Frankenweenie

Everyone loves a heartwarming story about a boy and his dog. Tim Burton takes this trope to a whole new level. When Victor Frankenstein loses his dog, Sparky, he decides to rebuild him. This leads to an unnatural escapade to resurrect several other animals.

13. Ghostbusters (1984)

And I do mean the original. A team of scientists lose their prestigious jobs and decide to battle the supernatural -- for a price.

Are there any movies you would add to this list?

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