We've all experienced the sheer pain of trying to explain how an iPhone works, how we get messages "so fast" or how to check a voicemail to our grandparents. It can be confusing for them, yes, but more than anything it's just plain hilarious. Even though we've sat down with her on multiple occasions to figure out how to check her voicemail, I don't think my grandma will ever figure out how to do it. Here are 13 things your grandma probably doesn't understand.
1. That everyone gets a Facebook notification when you comment on a post
2. What a selfie is
I don't think the purpose of the selfie will ever be understood by non-millennials. My mom even asks me why I keep taking pictures of myself.3. When she tells you to ask your friends a question and you have an answer in less than two minutes
"How did you already ask them and get a response so fast?""It's called iMessage, grandma!"
4. How we have the Internet on our phones
"So you can just make the Internet pull up on your phone? Do you just click on it?"5. I don't have to be at a computer to send her a picture
"Here, let's go to the computer so I can send you these pictures!""I can just do it from my phone!"
6. Facebook is on my phone
"So your phone has Facebook and the Internet all at once?"7. How you can have albums of photos floating on your phone
It will always be a mystery to grandparents everywhere how there are categories within categories of pictures and information on your phone and in apps.8. There's a difference between a picture you posted and a picture you're tagged in
There really is no explanation for this one. Your dad's creepy friend will always swoop in with the creepy comment.
9. You can look up literally anything
They continue to be amazed that you can look up absolutely anything about any topic.
10. You can tag your friends in a post
Yes, they can see the exact same thing we just watched. It's called tagging. It's the best way to be laughing at the same things in different places. Get with the program, grandma.
11. Instagram doesn't zoom
It doesn't matter how many times you say it, they still try to zoom in...and they accidentally like the picture from 43 weeks ago. *Face palm*