13 Gossip Girl Characters You Can Learn From
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13 Gossip Girl Characters You Can Learn From

Spotted: Netflix viewers falling in love with the characters of the Upper East Side.

13 Gossip Girl Characters You Can Learn From
Teen Vogue

I have not been able to confirm it yet, but there is a rumor circulating that Gossip Girl is being kicked off Netflix soon. Many people are upset over this, myself included. So in case it's true, you might want to start binge watching the show all over again, or for the first time if you have never seen it.

You'll be in disbelieve over the things these teens, and adults do. The deception, glitz, glam, oddly mix well with the loyalty, friendship, and romance. Just when you think everything will turn out okay, the characters you love to hate and hate to love switch it up.

1. Blair Waldorf

Act like a Waldorf...

Blair says the things out loud that we are all thinking, which is not always a good thing. She is queen B and the master of schemes. But she has her sweet moments too. She is no where near perfect, but when something is truly wrong she shows up for her friends and family. She is the queen to Chuck Bass, and the Upper East Side. Even though she is a huge social climber, Blair learns that no matter what, family and friends, and true love is what life is really about.

2. Serena Van der Woodsen

Dress like a Van der Woodsen...

Poor S, I think we all understand how you feel. Trouble follows the girl around like last year's mistakes, and no matter how hard she tries to shake her past, she just can't. But at least this girl has friends and family to jump to her rescue whenever she falls off the wagon, for the tenth time. She may have Daddy issues and trust problems, but she continues to keep moving and fighting for what she wants. Serena is not a coward. She does not back down from a fight, not with Blair, not with her mother, and especially not with enemies.

3. Nate Archibald

Look like an Archibald...

He's not just eye candy ladies. Nate Archibald isn't scared to throw a punch to anyone that hurts his family or friends, and sometimes he has to knock sense into one of his friends. Nate may be a lone wolf and jump from girl to girl, but he is loyal to a fault. He may follow Gossip Girl, but he doesn't like to gossip himself...

4. Chuck Bass

Think like a Bass...

Everyone knows the name...he's Chuck Bass. Famous for his father's company, his schemes and deception, and the big heart he hides under the mask. Chuck Bass experiences one of the most amazing character transformations, going from the most hated person, to one of the most loved. Once he opens up his heart to love, he never gives up on the ones he loves. It was a long journey, but he never lost sight of his true love, Blair Waldorf. Their love story makes all the girls swoon, or maybe they swoon because he flew all over Europe to pick up Blair's favorite things. The pull between those two are undeniable. Chuck Bass sets standards high, and every girl is just looking for her Chuck Bass.

5. Dan Humphrey

Work like a Humphrey...

Dan is the ultimate insider, and he had to work to get there. He has to work harder than anyone else to get what he wants: the girl, the internships, the school, everything. Dan wants to be 'in' so bad that he is willing to do anything. He befriends all the rich kids at one point or another, and dates not just one IT girl, but two (it's okay to gag about the one with Blair). His origins may have been different from the rest, but he belongs with his friends more than ever in the end.

6. Vanessa Abrams

Be compassionate like an Abrams...

Another outsider with a big heart. Vanessa may get swept up in the Upper East Side drama just like everyone else, but her heart goes out to people that even do her wrong. Out of all the characters, Vanessa is one of the most moral and compassionate ones. She screws up a few times, but she learns lying is never the answer and tries to correct her mistakes.

7. Jenny Humphrey

Detox like Jenny...

Washing the eye makeup off and leaving the Upper East Side was the best thing Lil J could have done. Some people can't hang, and Jenny was too consumed in that world. People can change, and just like other characters, hopefully it's for the better. Jenny became so posionous, we were ready to see her go and get back to her normal self.

8. Eric Van der Woodsen

Be snarky like Eric...

Eric is overlooked quite often in the show, but his wit and snark make us laugh. He has a hidden strength and we all can find a little bit of Eric Van der Woodsen in us. Eric gets left out, and we all know what that feels like from time to time. At least he isn't scared to say how it is and stand up for himself. He and Serena make a great sibling pair.

9. Lily Van der Woodsen/ Bass/ Humphrey

Avoid scandal like a Van der Woodsen/ Bass/ Humphrey...

Do we ever know when Lily is telling the truth? She may know how to avoid scandal, but she sucks at telling the truth. It's also impossible to know which name she is using at the time. Even though she makes us mad 98 % of the time, at least she takes a page out of her children's book and owns up to her mistakes eventually. We can thank her for taking Chuck under her wing and her backwards way of trying to protect her children like the Mama Bear she is.

10. Rufus Humphrey

Parent like a Rufus...

Maybe the best parent on the show. He has endless love for his biological children, step children and his children's friends. Although he falls prey to the Upper East Side from time to time, he tends to keep both feet on the ground and remember his Brooklyn roots. He also makes fantastic waffles.

11. Bart Bass

DON'T be heartless like a Bart...

Yeah, he is hands down the worst father and villain on the show. There are many terrible people, but he takes the cake. He is the most selfish and there is no love lost between him and his son. No one was sad when he finally died for real. Bart's treatment of Chuck only made us love Chuck even more.

12. Eleanor Waldorf

Design like Eleanor...

What a sweet mother/ daughter moment, but it wasn't always an open line of communication between Queen B and Mommy Dearest. Her motherly instinct may need work, but her designs are off the chart. Fortunately for Blair, Mother Waldorf gets better and better at the mother thing thanks to her husband Cyrus and the maid Dorota. What we can learn from Eleanor is that work is not everything when your kids are the collateral damage.

13. Dorota

Be wise like a Dorota...

HANDS DOWN THE BEST CHARACTER! Without Dorota, Blair may have been completely corrupt. Dorota's wisdom and Polish sayings keep us laughing. She would go to war for her Miss Blair. Dorota is like a fairy Godmother and the voice of reason. Every one needs a personal Dorota in their corner.

So many characters to learn from, about how to act and how not to act. Watch them in action while you still can!

XOXO, Gossip Girl

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