Being home is great, especially because our parents and family members missed us so much and they love to shower us with food and love and occasionally let us take their credit card shopping for things we "need" for when we do go back to school. We love them, but they can get a little bit nosey and the questions become a trend every year. Here's some of the most frequently asked questions from our extended family when everyone gets together around the holidays.
1. “Hows your boyfriend/girlfriend?” And if you don’t have one, “when are you going to get one?”
2. “How are all of your classes?”
3. “Are you getting good grades?”
4. “So what are your plans for after college? Have you thought about jobs?”
5. “How are your roommates? Is everyone getting along?”
6. “How is the party life? Are you getting enough sleep?”
7. “Do you have enough food to survive?”
8. “Do you have a job at school?”
9. “Are you still working out?”
10. “Do you have a lot of hard classes this semester?”
11. “Who are those people you are always posting with on social media?”
12. “You’re smart and going to school, can you help me with this?”
13. “Do you like it at school?”