13 Facts You May Not Have Known About The Prodigious Johnny Depp | The Odyssey Online
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13 Facts You May Not Have Known About The Prodigious Johnny Depp

He's mysterious, eccentric, and one of the most incredible actors of our time.

13 Facts You May Not Have Known About The Prodigious Johnny Depp

Being one of the most versatile actors of our time, Johnny Depp is undoubtedly an incredible human being.

He is a widely successful, idiosyncratic performer who never fails to keep viewers and producers on the edge of their seats with the surprising roles he chooses to play. His acting career is that of no other and his mysterious lifestyle is always an interesting topic of conversation.

Here are some rather interesting facts that you may not have known about this marvelous man:

1. Depp began as a musician.

He played in a series of garage bands after he dropped out of high school at age 15, with the encouragement of his principle advising him to follow his dreams. His acting career only began after a trip to Los Angeles where he met actor Nicolas Cage, and was convinced to transition into acting. His debut film was "A Nightmare on Elm Street."

2. His collaboration with Tim Burton caused the explosion of his acting career.

Their first collaboration was Johnny's role as "Edward Scissorhands," and they worked together a total of eight times.

3. He's played virtually all possible types of characters throughout his career, but Captain Jack Sparrow is his most popular.

One of his most well-known roles stands as Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean series. He designed the appearance of this character and convinced Disney to go along with his ideas.

4. He once recorded with the British rock sensation Oasis.

Depp played the slide-guitar on the albums track "Fade-In Out."

5. He's one of many with coulrophobia, aka–a fear of clowns.

I assume he won't be watching "It."

6. Shockingly, Depp has never once won an Oscar award.

But that's okay— to much surprise, he doesn't like winning awards, anyway.

7. Johnny is the 20th cousin of Queen Elizabeth II

Who would have guessed?

8. He is known to take his roles to another level.

Depp will entirely change his daily lifestyle and appearance (including his teeth) in order to perfect his ability to get into character. He's even attempted to meet people whose characters he would be playing in films, such as "Whitey Bulger," who he portrayed in the movie Blow.

9. His films, overall, have raked in over eight billion dollars worldwide.

The top two money makers include the Pirates of the Caribbean series and Alice in Wonderland.

10. Depp is deeply proud of his Native American Heritage.

While rumors about him being officially inducted into the Cherokee tribe float around, what we do know for sure is that he was made an honorary member LaDonna Harris' family, who are members of Comanche Nation.

11. Johnny has been engaged five times, and married twice.

His first wife was make-up artist, Lori Anne Allison. He was engaged to Jennifer Grey, Sherilyn Fenn, and Winona Ryder. He later dated Kate Moss, and Vanessa Paradis who he had two children with. He and his most recent wife, Amber Heard, just recently divorced this year.

12. He owns a 45-acre private island in the Bahamas.

Each of the white sand beaches on his island are named after someone very important to him.

13. He once trashed a hotel in New York, and blamed the damage on an armadillo.

Well played, Johnny.

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