Emojis have become one of the most popular ways to communicate with one another via text message, email and Facebook Messenger. They're cute, sassy and sum up exactly how we are feeling. You can even create messages using multiple emojis. But even with the number of emojis that are available to us, there are still a few missing that we'd like to see make an appearance on our phones.
1. Bacon
WHERE IS THE BACON EMOJI?! I cannot tell you how many times I wanted to Instagram my morning breakfast and use a bacon emoji to describe the tasty joy that is bacon.
2. Fox
Who wouldn't like to see this sweet little creature appear in an emoji conversation?
3. Face-palm
If you tell me that there has never been a time you wanted to send a face-palm to your friend after they describe a very painful or embracing story, I will not believe you.
4. More Colors for the Ribbon
This emoji already exists, but what would be nice is if the color would be allowed to change. Just like you can change the skin and hair tone on your people emojis, the ribbon should be able to change color such as pink, green, purple or red.
5. Limo
For the times you are actually in a limo or if you want to feel fancy in conversations with your friends.
6. Shark
With the ever popular "Shark Week" on Discovery Channel, swimming with sharks and the shark attack drink at Joe's Crab Shack, there needs to be a shark emoji.
7. Butterfly
This is the perfect emoji for spring time—for photos of butterflies or when you feel as beautiful as a butterfly's wings. We need this emoji!
8. Avocado
As an active avocado lover, I can say we need an avocado emoji just as badly as, if not more than, the bacon emoji.
9. Salad
There are many photos of foods on Instagram and Facebook, but what better way to tell your friend that you love salad? You can combine the salad with just about anything. There's the pizza emoji, the pasta emoji and the sushi emoji that would partner great with this.
10. A dog version of the Cat Emojis
These emojis are a cat lover's dream come true! But what about the dog lovers? I'm sure they would like to see a doggy version of these cute cat emojis.
11. Frappuccino
Time and time again I have seen people post photos of their frappuccinos, and I know that there are coffee lovers who would use this emoji just as often as the coffee emoji.
12. Beard
Your friend suddenly sprout a beard? Did they shave and you want to show the change of beard to baby face? Or maybe you want to have an emoji that shows off your confidence in your facial hair for "No Shave November"? This emoji is a must for those occasions.
13. The Dancing Man
There is a dancing woman, so why not a dancing man? I think it's about time we got one for the fellas who like to dance.