So, let’s be honest here. Even though a lot of us don’t really necessarily enjoy Donald Trump, we have to appreciate his facial expressions. This man doesn’t take crap from anyone. Sometimes, the faces he makes are what we wish we could do! Taking a step away from his political life, let’s take a look at Mr. Trump and some of his glorious faces. Here are just some of the amazing faces of Donald Trump that can describe real life situations!
1. The "did she seriously disagree with me?" face
Like, honestly? I was right.
2. The "coming home to see your dog pooped" face
Damnit, Rufus!
3. The "true, but" face
Honestly, could you listen to me for a second?
4. The "look at that butt" face
5. The "ohhhhh, he just got TOLD via Facebook" face
6. The "wow, I feel so sorry for you so let me play the world's smallest violin" face
Feel so sorry for you but not really.7. The "do you want to fight?" face
I'll totally beat you up.8. The "ma'am, I didn't order this" face
I got the chicken tenders platter, okay?9. The "accidental run in with your ex-friends" face
"Sue, I'd love to stay and talk but I would really love to not be doing that."10. The "you're being a suck up" face
Good job Karen, I couldn't do that.
11. The "doing better than your friends" face
Sorry, I'm better.12. The "trying so hard not to laugh that I'm turning orange" face
You are spitting straight fire right now, Larry.13. The "that really isn't a great picture" face
Facebook profile pic? How about nah.
14. The "You're really hurting my feelings and I'm so done being your friend, Julie" faceTotally didn't need her anyways.Thanks Trump. You're always here to express my real feelings.