As you've probably heard, there's a diving pool in the Rio Olympics that has turned green. If you haven't heard, let me just take this moment to enlighten you. Not only has one pool turned green, but two have. The diving pool set the trend, and the polo pool soon followed. The pools were closed on Friday to try to get them to turn blue again. But it has been investigated and apparently the pool is safe to swim in; nothing is wrong with it, except the color.
So why did it turn green? Mario Andrada says that the change of color is due to an unexpected change of alkalinity, and that there is "absolutely no risk to the athletes or anybody." Personally, I'm not a fan of diving into a green pool, no matter how "safe" it is. So I'll just tell you what I'd rather do.
1. Wear a bra.
Ugh, bras may be supportive, but they just suck.
2. Take 8 a.m. classes.
If you claim you don't look like Boo during your 8 a.m. classes, you're lying.
3. Go back to high school.
High school is the residing habitat of mean girls. No thank you.
4. Burn all my Nike shorts and over-sized T-shirts.
SpongeBob didn't want to burn his clothes either, but it was either that or jump into a green pool.
5. Cancel my Netflix account.
What would I do without my favorite couple?
6. Walk through a spider web.
Do I even need to elaborate?
7. Step on a Lego.
I don't even know if I can be resuscitated after such misfortune.
8. Use a porta potty.
I cry every time.
9. Wear Crocs.
I'm sorry; these are just not cute.
10. Burn my grilled cheese.
Burning my grilled cheese is probably the biggest tragedy of my life.
11. Drink orange juice after brushing my teeth.
I'm gagging just thinking about it.
12. Give up pizza for a month.
A day is a very long time to live without pizza, let alone a month.
13. Be Taylor Swift right now.
That's just too much drama for me to deal with right now, but it's still better than a green pool.