13 Dead But At Least We Have Politics
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13 Dead But At Least We Have Politics

America has never ceased to be great, but how come when 13 people die the media barely touches on it?

13 Dead But At Least We Have Politics

How can anyone do anything is they are misinformed? The purpose of news and media outlets is to inform the public on anything that happens, so that together as Americans we may lend a helping hand.

On August 12, 2016 the worst flooding in America since Hurricane Sandy began. The flooding happened in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. More than 4 trillion gallons of water fell between August 12 and August 14. Now that is a lot of water.

To give you a run down the entire United States consumed 3.9 Trillion gallons of water every month (In accordance to waterinfo.org/water-facts). More on numbers, over 20,000 people have been rescued from flooded homes and vehicles.

Northeast of The Baton Rouge in Watson the rain fall was 31.39 inches. Yet when it was happening the media barely covered it.

Everyone is someone’s mother, father, brother or cousin. So why is it that we were not told that this incident was happening? A country is only as strong as its weakest link. Currently there are 13 people dead. These where all someone’s family. It is a tragedy when such an incident occurs in America and because we are one we should be informed and act like it.

Imagine one day you unexpectedly lose everything you have ever known. Your childhood home, the toys you once played with or even your pet, your lifelong friend. You are forced to leave your home with everything you knew damaged, broke or taken away from you. This is what happened to 60,700 family homes in the presented dates.

The media gave coverage to what was happening because the presidential candidate Donald Trump tweeted on his views towards President Obama not visiting the sight of the incident and staying on vacation with his family on Martha’s Vineyard. Perhaps this controversial candidate did it on purpose knowing that as Americans we needed to come together and realize what was happening to one of our fellow states.

Or maybe he did it just to score poll points knowing his numbers where down. For whatever the reason that Donald Trump made his visit. It still looked very presidential. A country is only as strong as its weakest link. So the faster they can get Louisiana back on its feet the better it will be for us all. In times of need everyone wants help and as a country we should provide it. In order to do so we should be better informed.

Pops "constantly-heartbroken" singer Taylor Swift has donated 1 million dollars to flood relief efforts. One of my favorite vampires of all time, Ian Somerhalder (The Vampire Diaries) has also promised help and prayers being a Louisianan native himself. Moreover pop star Lady Gaga has also promised donations from her and her family. This is why America is great and has always been great. Because we back up our own, we help each other and build each other up.

This disaster should not have been covered in the way that Fox news has covered it. Innocent people have died and they were portraying President Obama playing golf while they showed Trump visiting the victims of the flood. Trump should not have to criticize the president either. This should bring us together as a nation because it does not matter whether you are a republican or a democrat help is help. Lives are lives. And America is one.

Further it should be noted that the governor of Louisiana John Del Edwards (whom mansion was also flooded) asked the president not to come until relief efforts where on the way. Due to the fact that The United States is not a monarchy; states are a power on to them so if the governor felt like this was the right call then he is allowed to have that belief. Those are his people after all. President Obama visited the site on Tuesday August 23, 2016. In his address the highlighting statement was “This is not just about property damage, this is about people’s roots.” No matter who visits the flooding areas it will not replace the memories and culture of the area.

As a nation we are to help each other, support each other, and make each other strong. The media is playing us; making us focus on what isn’t important. Trying to distract us.

If you wish to help you can visit: VolunteerLouisiana.gov

Keep America great.

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