If you're a twin you probably know it can be one of the most annoying parts about you. Whenever someone finds out you're a twin, you're bombarded with stupid and random questions. If you're a twin, you're conversations probably go a little something like this:
1. "Oh I wish I had a twin!"
Umm, no you didn't. I do not like being a twin because people automatically think we are the same people. We are completely different people just as you are way different from your siblings. If you think there'd be two of the same person as you if you were a twin, think again.
2. "Do you guys feel the same pain" or "Do you guys have twin telepathy?"
Now, I don't exactly know what you mean by twin telepathy, but I'm guessing it's that we can communicate via our brains, but no that's not the case. Some do feel the same pain but my sister and I think exactly the same things and we have our own kind of language. It's really creepy, but we do not communicate with our minds.
3. "Did you guys ever switch places and act like each other?"
I've never thought about doing it until people started asking me. To answer, no, we don't like to have that much fun with looking alike and we don't have the time. To give you your satisfaction, I have a true story pinned inside my head for every time people ask me this question. Due to peer pressure, I switched lunch tables in fifth grade and everyone found out within five minutes. I don't get why people ask this question at all because I've always been a goody two shoes and they should know better that I am deathly afraid of getting in trouble.
4. "Have you guys ever been in the same class? That'd be really confusing."
Yes, we've been in the same class before and it's not confusing at all. Though yes, we have copied off each other's homework before.
5. "So, who's the evil twin?"
This question will probably result in us looking at each other while we calculate with our telepathy who's done more evil. This question has got to be the most stupid and ignorant question because believe it or not, some people are actually serious about this. I understand the twin telepathy one but this one is like saying there's a science that there must be an evil twin and you're making me now choose myself or my sister as an evil person. For those who ask for fun, please don't. It's not funny. None of us are evil, but feeling obliged to give you an answer, I'd say my sister.
6. "Hey, I saw your twin earlier."
Like what. Okay. Every time someone comes and talks to you, they always include something about your twin. Their reference to "your twin" is totally irrelevant to everything at hand but that doesn't stop them from saying completely random.
7. "What's it like being a twin?"
I really don't know how to answer your question, what are you looking for, can you at least be more specific like some of the questions above. I'd like to know what's it like not being a twin?
8. "What if you're mom switched you guys up when you were little and you're really your sister...hehe"
First off, moms just know who's who and second, this isn't funny to me at all. So what if that happened, what am I supposed to do about it?
9. "Did you dress alike?" "Why'd you stop?"
Yes, we did dress alike when we were kids. Would you buy and wear the same clothes as your siblings?
10. "How do people tell you apart?"
Well, you can try and figure it out yourself or I can just tell you from the times people made up stuff about us to tell us apart.
11. "Do you guys like have the same friends and like the same things?
Yes and No. We have different friends sometimes but mostly they're all the same. No, we aren't always into the same things.
12. "Do people mix you up?"
Yes, all the time. I get many people who call my sisters name from down the hallway who think I'm someone they know. Knowing that they're looking for my sister, I answer to my twin's name. Don't feel bad for doing this, it only makes things more annoying.
13. "Hey, it's the twins!"
This is seriously the most annoying thing anyone can say to me. I do not like being labeled "the twins." Do not refer to my sister and me as "the twins" for short. It ain't cute. I have a name and so does my sister.