We've all been there. You're just scrolling through Twitter or Facebook and you see a video that's been posted quite a few times. You watch it and then you find yourself sobbing. However, watching a video that makes you cry is sort of therapeutic in a way. There are actually quite a few health benefits that come with crying. Emotional tears contain stress hormones which leave the body when you cry. You actually shed stress hormones and and other toxins while you cry. Additionally, there have been studies done that say that your body creates "feel-good" endorphins when you cry. So, you're about to become a whole lot healthier.
If you don't want to cry, do not read any further.
Here is a list of 12 Youtube videos that will surely make you shed a tear or two.
1. "Surprise Military Family Welcome Home at South Carolina Football Game"
2. "Sports Illustrated Kids 2012 SportsKids of the Year"
"Though they would finish last, they would finish together, as one."
3. "29 Years Old and Hearing Myself for the 1st Time!"
Sound truly is a beautiful gift. Let us never take it for granted.
4. "Christian The Lion - Reunited"
Love and friendship come in all shapes and sizes.
5. "Danny & Annie"
This is such a beautiful love story. Let's all take note. "The only thing I have to give you is a poor gift and it's myself. And I always gave it."
6. "Fred Rodgers Acceptance Speech - 1997"
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
7. "Last Minutes with ODEN"
If you have a dog, don't watch this!Dogs are God's greatest gift. They are the only creatures that love you more than they love themselves.
8. "A touching story of an old father, son, and a sparrow"
This is something that we younger generations could all benefit from.
9. "O Captain, my Captain!"
The impact that a teacher can have on a student is huge. The impact that a human being can have on another human being is huge. The impact that Robin Williams had on everyone, there are no words to describe.
10. "This 3-Minute Must See Video Will Make You Cry"
Acts of kindness do not go unnoticed.
11. "Blind Devotion"
"That's how I still love her, even if she doesn't want me to."
12. "Dove Real Beauty Sketches"
You deserve the love that you keep trying to give to everyone else.