12 Winter Struggles For College Students | The Odyssey Online
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12 Winter Struggles For College Students

Most college students can relate to the struggles of winter.

12 Winter Struggles For College Students

It's that time of the year again — gross weather and gray skies. Throw on your bean boots and parka and head over to class. Here's a list of some of the struggles us college students in the northeast face during winter time.

1. Getting up and dressed in the morning is really difficult.

Mathematically, it’s 20 degrees out, already wore my hoodie three times this week and I have approximately five minutes to get to class. Okay, hoodie it is.

2. Looking good is pretty much out of the question.

You can try to fight it, but what happens to your hair after wearing a beanie is irreversible. Make sure you are committed to that beanie.

3. If trekking around campus in eight layers isn't enough to make you sweaty, the heat of the buildings will.

Excuse me, professor, while I take a few minutes to strip down.

4. Being pale from total deprivation of vitamin D. Oh, and don't forget the dry scaly skin.

“Wow, your pet reptile is so cool” “Nah, that’s just my hand”

5. Chronic stuffy nose. Some mornings it feels like the end of the world.

And If one person in your room gets sick, everyone gets sick. It's a perpetual cycle.

6. A nice hot meal becomes a luxury... Actually, a distant memory.

Walk to the caf? I’ll just have cereal... For the third night in a row.

7. Got an itch on your elbow? Or anywhere else for that matter? Good luck scratching through your coat.

*Has self-contained cloister-phobic panic attack*

8. Wanting to go to the gym, but being too cold and tired to actually commit.

Maybe a cup of tea and some Netflix instead...

9. Yay snow day!

JK, I have three papers to write and two tests to study for, LOL FML.

10. Watching people's Snapchats from UMiami or anywhere sunny is depressing.

Please remind me why I voluntarily chose a school in the northeast.

11. Hibernation becomes a lifestyle...and a group activity.

Who wants to cuddle and take a nap? Maybe order a pizza?

12. Funny enough, despite all our complaining we still make it a point to go out no matter the weather. Who's calling the Uber?

It really is a spectacle to behold: drunk young men and women hurdling over piles of snow wearing almost nothing.

The good news is, we only have to do this for a couple months until spring sets in! So hang in there! Stay bundled, chug down some emergen-C, and keep trekking to class -- for there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel!

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