Ah, the Coachella Valley. The desert. The dirty D. No matter what you call it, there are definitely some specific things that you'll only truly understand if you're from there. And no matter what you call it, it's still home. Here's some things you'll know are 100% true if you're from the Coachella Valley.
1. All your college friends have told you, "Oh, my grandparents have a timeshare there!"
Odds are, when you tell someone you're from the Coachella Valley, they're going to end up telling you they spend winter break there with their grandparents in the timeshare in a country club.
2. Coachella weekend is actually better than Christmas.
The only exciting thing that actually ever happens here is Coachella Music Festival. Chances are the classrooms at your high school are basically empty during Coachella Weekend, because it's basically a holiday.
3. 90 degrees in the summer is "cool."
If you're from the Coachella Valley, you know that summer is actually the worst time of the year weather-wise. It's impossible to be outside after 5 a.m. if you aren't in a pool, because odds are it's 120 degrees out.
4. Everyone loses their sh*t when it's raining.
Tweets, Snapchat stories, and Facebook statuses will be posted at the first sight of rain. Everyone gets way too excited.
5. You cringe when someone has leather seats in their car.
During the summer, I'm sure you steer clear of anyone who has leather seats in their car. It's painful.
6. You spend all of your money on acai bowls from Fresh.
I mean, they're really good. And huge.
7. You've hiked the Bump & Grind at least a million times.
Chances are you've spent countless Sunday mornings on the Bump & Grind with your squad, and you're probably going to end up getting Chipotle afterwards.
8. You spend most of your weekends tanning at resorts.
Nothing to do? You're probably going to hit up your best friends and end up spending too much money on smoothies while laying by the pool at the Esmerelda Resort.
9. In middle school, you spent every single Friday night at The River.
You probably had your first date and your first kiss there, too...because for some reason we were all roaming around The River every weekend.
10. You've tried to make friends with the geese at the Civic Center.
You've probably gone turtle searching there at least once, too.
11. When your family comes to visit, they probably want to go the Cabazon Outlets.
I'm sure you've been dragged there by your Grandmother at least once.
12. Once you see the windmills, you know you're almost home.
When you're driving home from your college, you know you're getting close once you see those windmills. And you'll probably end up stopping for In-n-Out pretty soon.