It is that special time of the year with Thanksgiving approaching, a time to share thanks with those who you love. The thoughts of gratitude and appreciation of the many blessings we have is something we must continue to think daily, and not just on Thanksgiving. There are so many ways to show and express gratitude for this upcoming holiday and the days to follow. Here are 12 ways to show and express your gratitude for Thanksgiving:
Keeping a gratidude journal
Keeping a journal and having a dedicated time of the day or week to journal will help you process your thoughts. These thoughts can be about gratuity. What did you do to show your thankfulness? What did someone to you or anyone that you know that showed compassion?
It feels so good to volunteer and not only being a volunteer is a self-esteem booster, it will put your heart in deep touch of helping those around you. Being grateful stems from helping the community you live and feels good.
Praying or meditating
Simply being lost in thought in a place secluded with the nature is a way for you to think deeply. You can meditate in nature or in the comfort of your home. For those who are religious praying is a way to think of all the things that you should be thankful for. Both praying and meditating will bring you the peace you need.
Giving daily compliements
You never know how far a compliement can go. Someone may be having a bad day but giving them that encouraging comment on how someone's outfit is on key or how their character is as a person can really make their day.
Writing letters to your friends and family
Writing a letter is a sure way to show the gratidue you have for somenoe. It is not like journaling where you keep it to yourself. Writing a letter provides the reader who was given the letter a chance to really have the spotlight when they read the amazing content the writer has sent. It is a personal souveneir and a letter will be cherished for the days to come.
Just smile
A simple nonverbal gesture of smiling is a way to show how happy and content you are. Smiling is really contagious and once you see someone smile, they will then start smiling. Showing gratitude with body language never goes unnoticed.
Listening to music dedicated to gratituity
Or creating a song or poem about gratitude
Stay in touch with your creative side and make it a mission to create a song or poem about gratidude and what that means to you. This is a perfect option when you do not want to journal or want to try something new.
Don't forget your manners
Saying your pleases, thank you's is a must when someone provides an act of service to you. Be sure to recognize those appraisals by saying your welcome.
Be an active listener
Those who have helped you out have listened to your problems and provided solutions. Now it is time for you to return back that favor. Being an active listener means having empathy for those who you are listening to.
Perform random acts of kindness
It is just a nice and suprising feeling when someone does a random act of kindness for you such as a favor or something that makes your day easier. They will be able to return that favor in return.
Be patient
Patience is not everyon'es virtue. If that is true then for yourself then give it that best effort to remain patient for those you love. Remember that everyone has their own struggles.