12 Ways To Keep You Feeling Younger Longer | The Odyssey Online
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12 Ways To Keep You Feeling Younger Longer

Growing old is getting old

12 Ways To Keep You Feeling Younger Longer

Everyday we grow older but we should not feel that way! Here are some important tips to remain feeling, looking, and staying youthful:

1. Take time for yourself

As people we are constantly around other people. Whether our families, spouses, bosses, fellow employees, and friends we rarely have a moment alone. Spending time by yourself allows you to clear your head and settle your thoughts. Read a good book, go for a walk or drive, or anything else you enjoy! This will keep you level headed and eliminate stress that builds up over time from the people who surround us.

2. Exercise:

Exercising and staying fit is good for your body and soul. Not only does it keep your body looking young and in shape but it allows you to clear your head and release stress as well. So, go for a jog everyday and allow your body to keep young and feel better inside and out.

3. Make sure you are in a positive relationship:

I am currently in a class on the psychology of adulthood and aging and have learned that people who are married live longer than people who live alone. Of course being in a happy and positive relationship prolongs life span even more. So make sure to with someone who makes you happy and keeps you young. Who we choose to spend our lives with makes all the difference in how our life turns out.

4. Eat healthy and take vitamins:

We all know how we are “supposed” to eat and how we should always take our vitamins, but we rarely rise to those expectations. We should! Our eating habits and vitamins are what keep our body operating smoothly. This is what keeps away sickness and keeps our bodies youthful.

5. Get a dog:

Puppies add so much joy and excitement to a life style. They add companionship and love to your home. Not only do they uplift the house hold but they also keep you active. They require walks, and play time, and will constantly have you running around and laughing.

6. Stay trendy:

As we grow older we often fall out of touch with what is modern and up to date. Phrases, language, style, and music all change with time. So, expand your horizons. Listen to new songs with and open mind and embrace change. Often times we get stuck in what is familiar but to break those barriers is what will keep us young.

7. Hobbies:

Everyone should have hobbies. Find something that you enjoy and are passionate about. Whether it is yoga, scrapbooking, baking, or fishing take time and do what you enjoy. This will bring happiness into your life and exterminate some of the surrounding negativity. Hobbies keep us involved and youthful.

8. Stay Spontaneous:

Life should be filled with never ending adventure. Often times we get stuck in our daily and weekly routines. Break from the everyday and try to do something out of the ordinary as often as possible. Take a weekend trip or hop on a cruise ship. Try something you have never done before and keep things interesting. Not only will this keep you feeling youthful but it will keep you joyful as well.

9. Laugh often:

Laughter is so good for you. Many don’t know that laughter actually helps to produce disease fighting antibodies which helps to improve your immune system. It also helps to improve your overall sense of well being. People should laugh often, it will keep you happier and healthier!

10. Family:

Spending time with children, siblings, other relatives brings happiness into peoples lives. Family gives us a sense of comfort and belonging. Spend time with your family as often as possible or give them a call and catch up whenever you’re feeling down. Our family often reminds of memories when we were young which keeps us feeling youthful.

11. Friendships:

We all have those friends that make us feel like everything is ok. Even when you are extremely stressed out and worried, these are the friends that make your problems dissolve. So, spend time with friends, make new friends, and continue to grow your relationships with the people that matter to you.

12. Eliminate Negativity:

Stress and anxiety speeds up the aging process, so try and to not let the worries of everyday life weigh too much into your thoughts and mood. Try and too eliminate stress and instead replace it with happier thoughts and remember that everything will work out in the end!

This may not be the fountain of youth but hopefully these tips will leave you feeling happy, healthy, and youthful!

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