This past April, my parents, siblings and I decided we wanted to expand our already big family. We adopted an eight-week-old golden retriever puppy named Violet. She has brightened our world immensely and has stolen our hearts day after day. Looking back, our family was never truly complete without her. It has been a crazy and wonderful adventure to watch her grow and explore. I have realized how much joy she has brought into my life and how she has changed my life for the better. Here are 12 ways she has done so. Getting a puppy has...
1. Taught me that patience is a virtue.
Being patient has never been my strong suit, so she allowed me to learn a lesson that I have never truly mastered.
2. ...And responsibility.
As cliche as it sounds, she really has progressed my responsibility skills.
3. Given me something to look forward to coming home to.
Seeing her big goofy smiling face and her hairy tail wag makes all of life's worries melt away.
4. Allowed me to meet new people.
We have made several new friends at my sisters' soccer games just because of her and her cuteness.
5. Reminded me to enjoy the little things in life.
When she gets so excited just over ice cubes, it reminds me to enjoy everything life gives me.
6. Brought my family together.
Raising a puppy is a lot of hard work, so my big family has come together to help out.
7. Called for many, many photo opportunities.
My social media feeds have never looked better.
8. Caused me to get excited to shop.
I love to shop for myself, but picking out cute new toys and shiny collars for Violet is even better. Speaking of shopping...
9. Given me an excuse to buy more shoes and other clothing.
Since almost every material possession I own now has a hole in it from her obsessive chewing.
10. Created great conversation starters.
"Do you want to hear about the new trick Violet learned?"
11. Showed me that time is precious.
Seeing her grow and grow shows how quickly time can go.
12. Brought new joy into my life that wasn't there before.
She has caused endless smiles and she makes me happier than she'll ever know.