Going to college is a huge change for everyone.
However, there are so many different ways that it changes you that you don't even realize until you look back on it. Here are some of the ways that college has changed me over the past three years.
1. I got involved
In high school, I wasn't involved in anything except for band. Coming to college, however, I took the opportunity to change that. Right from the bat I got involved in a leadership program, which led me to many other opportunities.
2. I try new things
Before college, I did not do much. I didn't really have any hobbies or passions, and I didn't like to try anything new. Now, I actively search for new things to do. Joining The Odyssey is just one of those things.
3. I go out of my comfort zone
Growing up, I was extremely shy. I decided that I would change that in college. One way I've done so is by going on Alternative Breaks, which puts you with a group of strangers to go volunteer. I continue to find new ways to go out of my comfort zone and push myself.
4. I've become more outgoing
As a result of going out of my comfort zone, I have become much more outgoing. Being able to chat with the person sitting next to me in class, or stand up and give a speech without feeling like I can't breathe is a wonderful thing.
5. I have learned to appreciate downtime
In high school, I always wanted to be doing something. Now, however, I appreciate having time to sit and do nothing. College gets stressful, and sometimes it's the best feeling to have time to relax.
6. I actually read my textbooks
I don't know if I ever opened a textbook in high school, but in college, I read them as much as possible.
7. I have to study
I never studied in high school. But in college, I would have flunked out already if I didn't study. It's essential, and something that I have had to learn to do.
8. I keep a planner
I think I've had a planner every year I've been in school, however, I've never actually used one until college. Now, my planners are color coded, updated daily, and at my side 24/7.
9. Naps are a part of my daily routine
Before coming to college, I could not comprehend taking naps. It made no sense to me, and even if I was dead tired, I couldn't do it. Now, I can barely make it through my day without napping.
10. I stay up later
In high school, I was in bed by 9 every night. If not, I could barely stay awake. After coming to college, it is rare if I get to bed before midnight.
11. I actually enjoy school
I never hated learning in high school, but it was always frustrating, mainly because of the rest of the aspects of it. In college, I thoroughly enjoy school and learning. I look forward to going back to school after break. Of course, this wears out after a while, and I become stressed and frustrated, but in the back of my mind, I always enjoy what I'm doing.
12. I have finally found myself
Coming to college is the best thing to happen to me. I have finally found myself. I am the happiest I have ever been and am pursuing my dream. I can express myself in any way I want to. I finally feel like I am who I am supposed to be, and it's incredible.