1. “Will these next two weeks ever end?”
After months and months of numerous assignments, projects, essays and exams, the end seems to be nowhere in sight.
2. “How many skip days do I have left for that class?”
In the beginning, we all promise ourselves that we are going to attend every class on time, only missing when desperately needed. However, after four dreadful months of a long semester, we do precise calculations to find out how many classes we can skip before losing credit.
3. “Is this too much caffeine?”
That moment you realize your daily intake of coffee has increased from one cup to four cups and you feel no effect from it. At least we’re hydrating, right?
4. “So if I get a C on the final, will I still have an A in the class?”
When our motivation is nowhere to be found, calculating possible grade outcomes is second nature. Instead of spending hours studying, we substitute every possible point value to see just how low we can perform on the final assignments.
5. “I have about a week until finals begin, I’ll just study a little each night"
We all have that brilliant idea that we’ll just study far in advance and things won’t turn out that bad. Procrastination? Not me, no way.
6. “OK, let’s be real. That will never happen”
Every college student knows it all too well. Two nights before a 150-point exam that determines our grade. Unhealthy amounts of caffeine, a maximum of two hours of sleep each night, and a whole lot of stress.
7. “The week is over, let’s celebrate the end of the semester with drinks!”
Stress levels high, sleep deprivation setting in, health decreasing by the minute; let’s go out and celebrate! Great idea.
8. “Wow, really regret drinking that much 2 days before my final”
Yeah. classes may be over, but finals are left. And that time spent out with friends and not into the library cut into study time and recovery for exam week. Just a lesson learned for next time…
9. *Day of Final* “Do college grades really matter?”
That moment you are handed the final exam and remember nothing. At least we have our health, right?
10. “Is there extra credit if I burst into tears during the final?”
Maybe if we pretend to have a mental breakdown or suck up a little toward the end we’ll be able to get a higher grade? This is the season of giving, right?
11. *Finally going home* “Proud of myself, never thought we'd see this day”
That time you are completely free from college assignments for a whole month. That my friends, is the best Christmas present any student could receive.
12. *After a month at home* “I miss college”
Sleeping in your own bed is awesome, getting out of bed at noon has its perks, and spending time with the family is amazing, but spring semester is waiting.