As college students we are always in a rush whether we're late for a class or we're just tool lazy to go to class. That being said, we have no choice but to grab the closest thing to us and/or let laziness take over. Here are some "meals" that we've all had before.
1. Ramen Noodles
This is one of the most stereotypical but true college meals.
2. Popcorn
Hungry but lazy? Popcorn immediately satisfies the hunger for a few hours.
3. Peanut Butter and Jelly
You can never go wrong with a cheap classic meal like this.
4. Frozen Dinner
Pop it out of the freezer and into the microwave. Dinner in seconds!
5. Lunchables
They're not just for kids you know.
6. Granola Bars
No time for lunch? Granola snack!
7. Poptarts
Usually a go to if you wake up late.
8. Order Pizza
Having food delivered right to you? Hell yeah!
9. Canned Soup
Maybe not as good as home made but it will do!
10. Easy Macs
The best mac and cheese around.
11. Fruit
For the healthier students, fruit salads all day every day.
12. Chinese
No one can resist ordering this.