Every friend group is different. However, one thing's for sure... These thirteen personalities exist in every group. Whether you're the party animal or the shy one, the group wouldn't exist without diversity and you're friends except it all.
1. The Pity Party
The Pity Party talks about themselves a majority of the time. This person complains a lot and for one of two reasons: to receive sympathy or to vent. They put a lot on their plate and always seem stressed or overwhelmed. They view their problems as larger than life when they are actually very minute.
2. The B*tch
They have very little patience for things and are not afraid to tell it like it is no matter how rude they may sound. They are great with confrontation because they aren't afraid to speak their mind. The B*tch usually does a lot of exaggerating and finds it very difficult to keep a secret. Whether everyone wants to admit it or not, everyone loves to keep them around because they keep things exciting. This person tends to suffer from resting b*tch face.
3. The Mom
The mom is always there to keep you in check and everyone looks to this person for advice and help. She has everyone's best interest in mind and is always very generous. She knows where everything is when you loose it and always has some kind of advice to give you. Often times people can find her irritating because of her tendency to nag.
4. The Comedian
This person is always roasting everyone with their quick and witty sense of humor. They are always cracking everyone up with their joke's and comments. They never take themselves or anyone seriously, therefore people love to be around this person when they are feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. Also, they make the best wingman.
5. The Dr. Phil
This person is the therapist of the friend group. They may not always have the answers but they're great listeners and because of this everyone goes to them to talk. They are very sweet and kind to others. This personality trait makes everyone feel comfortable enough to open up to them about their life.
6. The Shopaholic
Whether they want to admit it or not, everyone is a tiny bit jealous of this person's wardrobe. Everyone is always asking this person if they can borrow something from their closet. They have the best clothes and are always up to date with the latest trends. The shopaholic gets along really well with the Chatter Box because they both love to gossip.
7. The Lohan
The (Lindsay) Lohan friend of the group is often times a hot mess. Some would assume she is an alcoholic, she would say she doesn't drink enough. Regardless, she is the life of the party and always knows about the deals going on at the bars and clubs. Whenever you're looking to have a good time you know you can count on The Lohan to show you how.
8. The Know-It-All
This person won't stop until they have the last word. They constantly butt into conversations and always have to give their input. Often times, they may not even know what they're talking about but they'll still say it with conviction to make themselves look and feel intelligent.
9. The Introvert
The Introvert is the shy one of the group. This person is usually very smart and enjoys a good intellectual conversation. You don't see them much because they enjoy spending their time with themselves, usually indoors. The introvert and the Dr. Phil get along really well.
10. The Chatter Box
The Chatter Box always has the latest scoop on everyone. Even though everyone knows that this person can't keep a secret they still tell them things because they have the best reactions. 'The Chatter Box' and 'The Shopaholic' are really close because they both enjoy going out to eat and sharing gossip about others.
11. The Stoner
This person always disappears, but everyone knows where they really are. They are the chillest, most laid back person in the group. No matter how crazy or dumb your ideas and thoughts may be this person will always support them.
12. The No-Show
They always say they're down for everything and then they bail last minute. The No-Show loves the idea of a good party but can never commit. Some might say this person has a bit of an introvert's personality in them. The No-Show is also a workaholic, they use work as an excuse for not being able to attend things.
13. The Genius
The Genius is different from The Know It All because they always speak the truth. They always go into depth with simple things and have a very complex outlook on life. Some might find this person annoying and others may be very impressed by them. Unlike the Know It All, the genius is very much an observer and has an intelligent yet quirky sense of humor that everyone finds hilarious.