Greek life gets a negative stereotype as being a haven for girls who are all the same. Like all the blonde girls are part of this sorority and all the sporty girls are part of that sorority. But that's just not true. Diversity in a sorority is what makes your sorority beautiful. Every member is different and unique, but all of them unite as a sisterhood under the same ritual used (in most cases) over 100 years. In Greek life, you will meet all kinds of new people. I've meet some of the most amazing girls in my sorority. The 12 girls listed below are the amazing qualities that I've noticed in all of my sisters as well as sisters in chapters. They all fall into several of the categories below because they are all that wonderful.
1. The Girl Who Knows All the Tea
This girl knows everything. She knows everything about everyone in your chapter and in every other Greek organization on campus. Want to know if your boyfriend is actually doing a group project? I guarantee this girl knows someone who is in his group and can testify that he is, indeed, working on a group project.
2. The Makeup Artist
This girl is my saving grace every date party or social event. I don't know what I'm going to do without this girl. I guess I need to be an adult and do my own eyeliner for once even though it's so tedious and requires infinite patience. Ugh.
3. The Girl You Were Separated at Birth From
You're constantly asking each other if you're actually the same people. It's uncanny how much you have in common, and it's a miracle you survived without them. This girl is always around to fangirl over your favorite shows and movies with. She understands like no one else because she always laughs at your references and quotes from your favorite shows.
4. The Girl Who Always Meets Your Annoyed Looks in Boring Meetings
This girl understands you almost as well as the girl I mentioned previously. She reads your mind with that one look in chapter of "Why is this not sent out in an email?" or the classic "Stop asking questions, ladies. It'll be posted with the minutes." And she reciprocates your feelings towards everything that's happening in that extremely long meeting. This girl is also known as the prime person to complain/vent about life with because she gets you and she has virtually the same issues.
5. The Study Buddy
This girl is the best. She stays with you in the library forever. You guys are the epitome of girl power when you stay in the library together for five hours actually getting stuff done and being productive. Also there's something special about the bond you share with someone who has seen you during your eighth hour of library time on your 3rd Starbucks drink. This girl has seen you at the actual worst, and she's still happily your friend. Not to mention all the great inside jokes you develop together by people watching when you take a break from your studies.
6. The Mom
This girl is your savior. She picks you up when you've probably made regrettable decisions whether in a bar or a frat house. She always knows what to say, and she always makes you feel better. She gives great hugs and she's basically a unicorn because she's magical and fantastic.
7. The Girl That Is Honest to a Fault
You need this girl more than you know. She will tell you to give up on the "friends" who suck and will tell you how it is with that boy you've been talking to for months. She won't sugar coat anything. She is the realest person you know, and yeah, sometimes the truth hurts so you might get mad at her. But hey, at least, she's honest with you when most people are too afraid that they'll hurt your feelings.
8. The Encourager
This girl is crucial in your life. She will encourage you to be the best that you can be. She builds you up and all of your sisters up with her kind words and insightful observations. She always brightens your day and brings a smile to your face.
9. The Role Model
This girl is literally everything you could hope to be. She's smart, funny, pretty, and heavily involved on campus and in your chapter. Everyone loves her with good reason. Not only is she all of the things above, but she really cares about her friends and her sisters. She is a genuinely kind person and she inspires you to be better. She inspires you to get involved on campus. She inspires you to be a leader in your sorority. Even if you're the same age or close to the same age, she's a role model to you and to everyone she comes across because she inspires greatness.
10. The Funny Girl
This girl is to be envied. She has the best quality to ever exist: a good sense of humor. Not only is she hilarious in real life, but her tweets and snapchats are made of pure comedy gold. This is a girl who you will follow on social media until you die because she is that funny and #relatable.
11. The Intelligent One
This girl is in like eight honor societies. She's probably in charge of scholarship for your chapter in some way or another. She's extremely dedicated and she's just naturally intelligent. She has to spend 90% of free time watching documentaries and reading nonfiction history/politics/science books to be so intelligent. Like the Funny Girl, she is to be envied because she's going places like probably Harvard Law or Johns Hopkins Medicial School.
12. Your Number One Ride or Die
This girl might as well be your biological sister. You don't know how you ever lived without her and vice versa. This girl is for sure going to be in your bridal party and is definitely in charge of the Bachelorette party. This girl is living proof that you don't have to be blood to be family.
To all my sista friends reading this: you all have the qualities above and many more that I admire, and that's why I'm so lucky to call y'all my sisters. You may not think you have these qualities, but you definitely do. You all have your moments as each of the above especially as the Encourager, the Role Model, the Study Buddy, and the Funny Girl in my life. Keep being awesome.