A song parody made to express the stress, overdosing of caffeine, sleep deprivation and h*ll us college students refer to as finals:
On the first day of finals my professors gave to me, a lot of anxiety
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On the second day of finals my professors gave to me, 2 12-page papers
and a lot of anxiety
On the third day of finals my professors gave to me, 3 thoughts of dropout...
2 12-page papers and a lot of anxiety
On the fourth day of finals my professors gave to me, 4 hours of crying...
3 thoughts of dropout, 2 12-page papers and a lot of anxiety
On the fifth day of finals my professors gave to me, 5 unhelpful reviews...
4 hours of crying, 3 thoughts of dropout, 2 12-page papers and a lot of anxiety
On the sixth day of finals my professors gave to me, 6 all-nighters...
5 unhelpful reviews, 4 hours of crying, 3 thoughts of dropout, 2 12-page papers and a lot of anxiety
On the seventh day of finals my professors gave to me, 7 hours of procrastination...
6 all-nighters, 5 unhelpful reviews, 4 hours of crying, 3 thoughts of dropout, 2 12-page papers and a lot of anxiety
On the eighth day of finals my professors gave to me, 8 reasons to hate them..
7 hours of procrastination, 6 all-nighters, 5 unhelpful reviews, 4 hours of crying, 3 thoughts of dropout, 2 12-page papers and a lot of anxiety
On the ninth day of finals my professors gave to me, 9 test questions not covered in lecture...
8 reasons to hate them, 7 hours of procrastination, 6 all-nighters, 5 unhelpful reviews, 4 hours of crying, 3 thoughts of dropout, 2 12-page papers and a lot of anxiety
On the tenth day of finals my professors gave to me, 10 caffeine overdoses...
9 test questions not covered in lecture, 8 reasons to hate them, 7 hours of procrastination, 6 all-nighters, 5 unhelpful reviews, 4 hours of crying, 3 thoughts of dropout, 2 12-page papers and a lot of anxiety
On the eleventh day of finals my professors gave to me, 11 mostly sober nights...
10 caffeine overdoses, 9 test questions not covered in lecture, 8 reasons to hate them, 7 hours of procrastination, 6 all-nighters, 5 unhelpful reviews, 4 hours of crying, 3 thoughts of dropout, 2 12-page papers and a lot of anxiety
On the twelfth day of finals my professors gave to me, 12 mental breakdowns...
11 sober nights, 10 caffeine overdoses, 9 test questions not covered in lecture, 8 reasons to hate them, 7 hours of procrastination, 6 all-nighters, 5 unhelpful reviews, 4 hours of crying, 3 thoughts of dropout, 2 12-page papers and a lot of anxiety
Hopefully your finals didn't last longer than 12 days, and can say that you made those exams your b*tch. Now cheers to completing your 12 Days of H*ll, and go throw you textbooks in a trashcan/incinerator and celebrate.