We all have those moments where we want to sit and stare mindlessly at the TV, watching seemingly trashy shows flick before our eyes. Here are the 12 best shows for when you need to fill that fix.
1. Next
For anyone who saw this way back in the day when it was still airing, you might have honestly been confused. It was simple: five people on a bus go in order one by one on a date with one person outside of the bus. If the person outside doesn't like the person from the bus they have the opportunity to say "NEXT" as loudly as physically possible to continue the date with the next person. At the end, the person from the bus has the option of choosing a second date or taking the money value of however many minutes they stay on the date. Needless to say, mindless entertaining television right here.
2. Parental Control
This show was almost as bad as Next, but added the awkward level of involving ones parents. The premise of the show is that the parents don't like their child's boyfriend or girlfriend, and each parent gets to choose one person for their child to go on a date with. So, two dates in total while the parents and their child's boyfriend or girlfriend sit in their living room and watch the dates in real time. I can't tell you how many times this ended horribly for the girlfriends and boyfriends...
3. Pimp My Ride
There is no one cooler than Xzibit to host a show called "Pimp My Ride." He found the saddest cars that he possibly could and surprised the owners with a total re-haul of the car with sick speakers, a crazy paint job, and some other crazy things along the way. Who knows if it actually worked out, but hey, they always looked awesome.
4. Room Raiders
This was one of the craziest shows I think I have ever seen. Three people were snatched up from their homes/apartments and stashed in a van with a video camera following someone of the opposite sex as they ransacked their room. The person searching the room had a tool box full of tools to use while in these rooms, and by the end they had to choose one person to go on a date with based on their room and its contents. Some people had some explaining to do after the use of some black lighting...
5. Date My Mom
Basically, there's one dater who goes on three dates with different moms. Each mom tries to show the dater who their child is through their date together. The girls or boys have to wait at home until their mom comes home to explain what happened. At the very end, when the dater has chosen, they choose the mom and the mother's child emerges from a stretch limo for the dater to see. This is, of course, when the two run to each other and passionately hug and then ride off into the sunset in their stretch limo.
6. My Super Sweet Sixteen
Ever want to see how the rich and famous live when they're younger? Look no further! This show enlightens all of us regular folk on how the upper class live and treat their young ones. These are some of the most entitled and crazy girls you will ever see, and the amount of money that they spend on one party is mind boggling. But they have awesome gift bags and the drama is always flowing!
7. Rob & Big
These two are the most unlikely pair, but they are the best of friends. Rob and Big both have incredibly dry humor and are always getting into trouble. This show is perfect for incredibly mindless and hysterical humor whenever you watch an episode. Also, the dogs are SO CUTE.
8. MTV Cribs
There is not a day that goes by where I don't let people into my room, my car or really my anything without saying "Welcome to my crib." This show was the coolest because you got to see into the houses of the rich and famous celebrities that you're always wondering about. Who can forget getting to enter 50 Cent's house? No one, that's who.
9. Punk'd
Ashton Kutcher is an incredible man who deserves all of the kudos in the world for pulling pranks on people all the time for television. He really nailed it every time, and always had the funniest pranks set up that people constantly fell for. It was awesome that he even pranked celebrities, too.
10. Teen Mom
I will be the first to admit, I would run home to watch this before my mom made it back to the house. This was such a drama-filled show and was so scandalous back in the day. There was always great drama and ADORABLE babies, and how could you resist either of those?
11. Jersey Shore
Who can resist GTL (gym-tan-laundry) and "CABS AH HERE"? I mean, Snooki and Jwoww had their own spin-off show because of this one, and this was the OG drama fest. You have to love those crazy Italians living in way-too-close quarters.
12. Are You The One?
This is by far the most recent MTV show, and is surprisingly drama-filled and intense. The house starts off with 20 singles, and there is a perfect match for each person in the house, only no one knows who it is. They have ten tries to match each couple up to win one MILLION dollars and split it twenty ways (each person walks away with $50,000 before taxes). The first season is absolutely incredible and nerve-wracking up until the very end, and the reunion as always is priceless.
Based on whatever mood you may be in, there is a trashy MTV show out there for you. Use this list to find which one suits your needs and go watch to your hearts content!