Going into college can be stressful and daunting. You aren't really sure what do to or what to get in order to be successful. The first semester is spent just figuring out how everything works. However, hopefully with the knowledge I have learned, it won't seem to bad anymore.
1. Talk to your advisor about everything. They will become your best friend. Whether it be class issues or thoughts about the future, your advisor can help with all of it.
2. Check for books online before buying. And if you must buy, rent them instead. It is much cheaper and you wont have to deal with trying to sell them back later, you simply return them.
3. Bring as much underwear as possible. This means less laundry.
4. Don’t forget to use up your dining swipes at an On-the-Go on Fridays. Nothing sucks more than realizing you could’ve had some more “free” food.
5. Do not wait until the day before to write papers or do projects. I know it worked in high school, but it doesn’t here.
6. Study multiple days ahead of time. Test are worth so much more when you get to college. Don’t let your grade suffer.
7. Bring a carpet scrap to put down in your room. It’ll make it feel more homey and warm.
8. Girls: Buy hangers like these. They will maximize your small dorm closet.
9. If you’re a morning person, take the earlier classes; if you’re not, don’t torture yourself unless you have to. It is not too horrible to have classes until 5:30.
10. Leave early for class. Make sure you give yourself enough time to get there so don’t get marked tardy. Yes, sadly that is still a thing.
11. Slippers! Slippers are nice to wear around your floor to the bathroom or anywhere in the dorm hall. They slide on easy and are perfect for short walks to the bathroom.
12. Always keep a full stock of snacks. They are vital to our college diet and are great for late night studying.