Let's be real, if you identify yourself as a moderate, this political season was a very uncomfortable season for you. With the Democrats and the Republicans always arguing, you often felt like the child of divorced parents. Trying to make peace between two extremes is no easy task and often times people just think you can't make up your mind, but hopefully these 12 items make moderates and their friends laugh and realize what a weird, but a great position, it is to not identify with a particular party. So here are 12 times where I and maybe yourself confirmed the suspicion that you were definitely a moderate.
(Disclaimer: I am not speaking on behalf of all moderates, I'm just speaking for myself, so don't take this too seriously, it's just good fun!)
1. When you find yourself cringing at the words "always" or "never".
2. You wrote in a candidate for President, and felt like it was the best decision you could make.
3. Your conservative family members find you wildly liberal, and your liberal friends find you strictly conservative.
4. The words "Pro-Life Feminist" doesn't faze you one bit.
5. You can find the good in any President (If I could've voted back in '08, probably wouldn't have voted for Obama but hey, I can say he's done some cool things as President! Let's hope I can say the same about Trump.)
6. Joe Biden memes give you life.
7. This picture makes your heart so happy.
8. The letter Barbara Bush and Jenna Bush Hagar wrote to Sasha and Malia was one of your favorite things.
9. You roll your eyes every time someone says they are moving to Canada..
10. You really liked Scandal seasons 1-3 and hated it from then on.
11. You really liked Marco Rubio (Okay maybe that was just me...)
12. You know at the end of the day, whoever our President is, your duty is to be a citizen, and you want your country to succeed.