The Disney Pixar animation film "The Incredibles" has become timeless in its humor and life lessons. It taught kids to respect themselves and delved into controversial topics without even dirtying any super suits, and it still relates to life today. Here are 12 times when "The Incredibles" said what needed to be said.
1. Always be sure of yourself.
2. Move on from the past.
3. Don't be afraid of change.
4. Value individuality.
5. Be confident.
6. Love your family.
7. Do what is right.
8. Be the right kind of strong.
9. Pick yourself back up.
10. Looks can be deceiving.
11. Don't over-commit yourself.
12. Never accept less than your best
Not all of us have super powers, but all of us can learn a little something from this family of heroes.