I'm sure we all know SpongeBob, the little yellow sponge that we grew up watching (and still sometimes do!!). When we were younger we just saw the show as a bunch of silly underwater creatures and a squirrel from Texas, but now being in college for a couple years I've actually found times where I can relate to the show. Weird right? Never would I ever have thought that I could relate to a kids cartoon. However, here I am 20 years old, comparing myself to Squidward Tenticles and Mr. Krabs. So here goes nothing, I hope someone can relate to this as much as I can.
1. When you procrastinate your work because you're in serious need of sleep, a night out, or Netflix....or all three?? Then you end up getting absolutely nothing done.
2. When you've been broke for so long that you overly appreciate any kind of money you happen to obtain.
3. FOOD. Because there will come a time in the semester where you'll get so sick of the dining hall that you will literally eat anything and everything else.
4. This was you going to parties/bars your freshman year, please don't even try to deny it. Just embrace it.
5. And this was your face when your professor assigned you 3 readings, 2 essays, and a quiz all in the span of one week.
6. This is also your reaction when the professor decides to make the final cumulative, because that is just pure EEEEVVVVIIILLLLLL.
7. After you've had one too many to drink but somehow you're still alive????
8. When you have an 8 am class this is probably how you feel towards everyone.
9. When it's time for that big test and you sit down and realize you know absolutely nothing..
10. Coming home for breaks and having family members ask "what are you going to do after college?" or "how are your classes?"
11. When you realize that for the next 4+ years your life will be a hot mess.
12. But at the end of the semester it was all worth it and you can go be happy and stress free for 3 months until it starts over again in the fall.