Ryan Howard: arrogant, subtly sassy, and a Dunder Mifflin temp for way too long. Ryan's millennial ways were often confusing and misunderstood by the Dunder Mifflin staff, something many of us can relate to in our own internships. He says the things we all think while on the job but can't actually say because we're interns.
Here are 12 times Ryan explained your internship (where you wore dress pants and pretended to be an adult) perfectly:
1. When your boss gets a little too comfortable with you.
2. When you explain social media to older coworkers.
"Yes, Suzanne, I'll help you upload your pictures to Facebook again."
3. When you take notes in that two-hour long meeting.
Notes where you have no idea what half the words mean but you take them anyways to pretend like you do know what's going on.
4. When someone at the office tries to use "cool lingo."
5. When your tiny cubicle feels more like a closet than a desk.
You've become very creative with using your space.
6. When somedays "intern" translates into "jack of all trades."
As long as you're still getting paid to staple 400 copies of a report, you're cool with it.
7. When this is your hair after a stressful day at work.
Work week chic.
8. When all the fluorescent lighting gives you weird thoughts.
Being cooped up in that tiny cubicle for hours doesn't help either.
9. When you make your first real-life professional mistake.
"I totally DID NOT mean to print 1,000 copies of that presentation... So how much is being taken out of my paycheck to pay for the ink?"
10. When you still don't know how to response to office pranks.
Are you allowed to partake? Or are you not high enough in the hierarchy yet? What would HR say?
11. When there's always "that one guy" in the office.
There's always a Dwight if you're willing to look hard enough.