Oh, college—a time filled with joy, anxiety, bad(ish) decisions, heartbreak, and surprises. Sometimes it is just so hard to express how you're feeling with words! Being the time-conscious and busy student that you are, you don't have time to message paragraphs and paragraphs explaining your reaction to a particular event. But don't you worry; your favorite chubby Facebook feline, Pusheen, is always there to express exactly how you're feeling in no time at all. Plus—look how cute he is!
1. When your professor is lecturing on the reading that you didn't do.
2. When it's 2:45 a.m., and you need your Crunch Wrap Supreme from Taco Bell.
3. When you find out that really cute boy from biology class totally has a crush on you.
4. When your Friday classes get cancelled the morning of.
5. When you try to be sporty.
6. When you get ready to turn up on a Thursday night...
8. When you feel way up and #blessed.
9. When you cheat on your "Spring Break Body" diet.
10. When your roommate tells you to stop eating Chipotle and watching Netflix for the fifth Friday night in a row.
11. When you roll up to the club fashionably late.
12. When your college counselor asks what you want to be when you grow up.
This is exactly what the Internet has always needed! A cute little furry friend that is always there for us to relate to! Thanks Facebook!
Still haven't had enough of Pusheen? View more gifs below at his official website at www.pusheen.com/!