Some of the most beloved shows in television history includes The Office and Friends. The reason for their dominating success on television is due to the fact that the show's casts were extremely relatable to their viewers.
In 2008, Parks and Recreation began airing. The premier of the show created a brand new crop of characters that had their audience relating to hard-working Leslie Knope, realist Ron Swanson and the rest of the gang. Some viewers related to the level-headed Anne Perkins or identified with a more ambitious character like Tom Haverford, others more like Andy Dwyer. These are the people who have the best intentions but just aren't the brightest bulb. Along the way, viewers also met April Ludgate, the sarcastic but surprisingly sweet character, Donna Meagle the social butterfly of the department, a constantly stressed out Ben Wyatt, and Chris Traeger the exercise enthusiast and die-hard optimist.
There's also Jerry, the character on the show who is constantly targeted by his co-workers and making mistakes-- also the character who is constantly forgotten about.
Along the seven-year run of the show, some moments summed up the life of a college student perfectly.