Finals are an emotional time. There’s the joy of finishing your last exam, the disgust of sleep deprivation, the fear of failing out of college, the anger at your professor for basically everything, and the sadness of studying for hours on end. Do these emotions sound familiar? They just so happen to be characters in the wonderful (e)motion picture "Inside Out." Keep reading to find out how the "Inside Out" crew feel about finals week...
1. When there's no line at Starbucks
Joy believes today won't be so bad after all. White mochas are basically liquid happiness!
Side note: Joy thinks calories are for sad people.
2. But then you realize it's because you're awake at 6 a.m.
Sadness knows it's going to be a long day. She'll be there with you even after the caffeine wears off.
3. When you remember your final is worth 30 percent of your grade
And you need to do better on it than you've done on the midterms if you want a good grade. Fear feels the same way about jumping and falling, so he advises you crawl into a hole and never come out, since he finds your finals so terrifying.
5. When your professor makes "none of the above" and "all of the above" an option on every single question
You'll earn major brownie points with Anger if you actually hurl your chair across the room after the final is over (or while it's still going on because you're just that angry).
6. When you haven't showered in three days because finals take precedence over hygiene
Disgust is hardcore judging you. She also brought you a bottle of dry shampoo and a pack of gum with a note telling you to get it together.
7. When the library has free food
Maybe college isn't designed for torture after all! Joy thinks you should take a study break and appreciate the generosity of your college.
8. But then you realize it's leftovers from the dining hall
Anger and Disgust both feel personally offended. Anger recommends you throw the pizza into your textbook and then chuck both in the trash. Disgust suggests you give the volunteer handing out food aggressive side eye before tossing the pizza and judging the outfits of everyone around you to make up for this grave injustice.
9. When you can't fall asleep the night before the exam because you're too afraid that if you fall asleep you may never wake up again
The only thing Fear isn't afraid of is sleep deprivation.
10. When you head back to your room after hours of studying and you just need a hug, but all your friends are already home for summer
Sadness thinks you should quit pretending your allergies are flaring up and give in to a good cry.
11. When you finish your last final
Joy wants to feel joyful with you since the semester is OVER!
12. When you drive home and everything manages to fit in your car
This was just an excuse to use a gif of Bing Bong, because Bing Bong's greatness transcends emotions.
Happy finals!