Of course I’d always heard of Gossip Girl—I mean, who in our generation hasn’t?
Between the trials and tribulations of S and B, the man, the myth, the legend Chuck Bass and the iconic “XOXO, Gossip Girl” sign-off, the book-turned-show has developed quite a cult following over the years.
It wasn’t until this past summer, however, that I began to watch it. I don’t know what was holding me back, but as a native New Yorker with a Netflix account, I had no more excusesnot to give it a go.
Spoiler alert: I stopped watching during the sixth season’s first episode, and am surprised I even made it that far.
To me, the plot is completely cyclical, recycling the same drama-infested fights and resolutions over and over again until its story arc becomes a moot point. Plus, I’ve never watched a show before where I hated every main – and almost every secondary – character. I am all for character flaws and think an antagonist is crucial, but the Gossip Girl characters go beyond that – they are lying, cheating, backstabbing, bratty, insecure and/or immoral people with little to no positive attributions to make up for it. And not having anyone to root for or feel attached to made it very hard for me to watch.
So that’s why we need to talk about Dorota Kishlovsky, the Waldorf family maid and the absolute greatest thing to happen to the show. With her sass, loyalty, honesty and compassion, she is the most genuine person on Gossip Girl. She made me laugh, cry and everything in between, and the show would not be the same without her.
Skeptical? Check out the reasons below as to why Dorota is #1:
1. She is brutally honest and not afraid to call it like she sees it.
But you know it’s always out of love.
2. She is world’s greatest sidekick, who’s not afraid to get down and dirty to help out Blair.
How many people do you know that would pretend to be a masseuse and give a massage to a stranger to help you out?
3. And seriously cracks us up whenever she goes into spy mode.
*Cue the Mission Impossible theme song*
4. She gets what we all need after a hard day.
Finally, someone who is relatable.
5. She does not let ANYONE intimidate her – not even Chuck Bass.
She is not a force to be reckoned with.
6. She enjoys the little things in life.
Who doesn’t like to feel included, anyway?
7. She knows how to keep her cool even when her patience is tried.
So. Much. Respect.
8. She knows how to use the age-old religious guilt trick to push someone to do what’s right.
You know that made you chuckle.
9. She is world’s toughest punching bag.
I think we can all agree she deserves a gold medal.
10. She is a hopeless romantic.
Doesn’t it just bring tears to your eyes?
11. Her giddy face is contagious.
It’s one of those feel-good things.
12. And above all, her loyalty cannot be beat.
From acting as a bodyguard to sticking up for those she cares about, she is a true friend.