Fall semester has officially begun. Whether we like it or not we have to start going to class again. Our expectation of the best semester ever, slowly fades after waking up on Monday morning for class. So many things are running through your mind that first week...
1. "I'm so excited to see everyone!"
You reconnect with everyone that you didn't see over the summer. You get to see what friends are in your classes.
2. "I'm so excited for *insert course here*!!!"
This is going to be the best course I've ever taken!!
3. Where are all my classes?
What building is that?
4. How early do I have to get up?
...That's not going to work, maybe there's a later section
5. Do I really need all these books?
Am I really going to read any of these books?
6. Who is this professor?
Better check rate my professor.
7. When can I eat?
Three classes in a row? I need a snack break!
8. What was I thinking?
Why do I have classes back to back all the way across campus from each other?!
9. Can I wear sweats?
I don't have to dress cute after the first day, right?
10. Drinks?
Its acceptable to drink on a Monday, cause these classes are going kick my butt this semester!
11. When's break?
How many days?
12. Let the semester begin!