Most people get sore after running three miles, working out, carrying boxes, and doing other daily strenuous activities. But when you're a clumsy person, you're basically aching from everyday life. A day doesn't go by when you don't run into a table, trip up the stairs, slam the door on some part of your body, or find a new bruise. People assume that you have a sports related injury, but it's really just from falling over all the time.
1. Discovering new bruises everyday
Your legs are a museum of purple, blue, and gray bruises.
2. Not just bruises, but cuts and scratches too
3. And you're not the only one who gets injured, your phone gets beat up as well
4. You actually drop everything that's been placed into your hands
5. Anything flying or being thrown to you is basically your worst nightmare
6. Genuinely believing that furniture moves just so you can bang into it
But we all know that the side of the table hits you on purpose