1. Being frustrated with the amount of summer work you have yet to complete.
Seriously, what Ross said.
2. ...but then remembering you get to see your best friends every day.
The people who get you through the day!
3. Knowing that you'll be pulling all-nighters to finish essays.
Procrastination at it's finest.
4. Feeling amazing in your back to school wardrobe.
Gotta love the back to school shopping!
5. Having to wake up SO early...
Not everyone can be as happy as the "Morning's Here" guy at 5:30am.
6. ...and depending on coffee to survive those early mornings.
Medium iced caramel swirl with milk and sugar please!
7. Having those awesome teachers that are so inspirational.![]()
Especially the ones who act out the material!
8. Constantly being asked about your plan for the future.
I'm with you, Pheebs!
9. Football season. Period.
The Geller Cup is at stake!
10. Missing your pets during the day.
The day is too long without them.
11. Being overwhelmed with tons of new material.
Could I BE anymore stressed?
12. Having to sprint to classes in different buildings.
"That's not running, come on!" - Pheobe