The Ohio Valley is a land like no other. If you were raised there, you probably have some amount of pride for where you're from. While there's not too much to do, we've got great food, great friends, and great times. If you're visiting the Ohio Valley, welcome! Here are a few things you may notice about those raised here:
1. This is a buggy.
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2. If carb loading were an Olympic sport, the Ohio Valley would have a team that rivaled Italy's.
The OV doesn’t mess around when it comes to pasta. It’s impossible to attend any catered event without consuming some type of pasta, and good luck trying to organize a potluck.
3. Cemeteries are a perfectly acceptable place for dates.
Whether you're walking around Union Cemetery or head over the river for the beautiful view from Highland Hills Memorial Gardens, cemeteries can be pretty romantic no matter what the disbelievers claim.4. That person you're gossiping about will find out.
Because their grandmother’s neighbor’s son’s sister-in-law will definitely hear you and report back to them. No one is safe.
5. If you’re trying to find someone’s house and you take more than one back road, Google Maps will be useless.
And good luck getting cell service to call them when you get lost.
6. The same people have run the same businesses your entire life.
There's a good chance you know them and/or may be related to them as well.
7. Square pizza is the right pizza.
If you've never had DiCarlo's pizza, you are truly missing out. There's not much else to say about it.
8. You better make reservations for Drover's.
Heaven forbid you try to get a table for more than two on a weekend. If you don't call ahead, you better go with a full stomach because the wait will be long enough to make you hungry again, but boy is it worth it.
9. High school sports are ridiculously intense.
Losing a major rivalry or playoff game is more heartbreaking than any loss in a professional league.
10. On the other hand, Pittsburgh sports are the only professional teams that are safe to support.
Coming from a house divided, I understand both the pride and the fear. You can support a Cleveland team, but others will tell you you’re wrong.
11. You had the same teachers throughout high school.
You still see them around, and there’s a good chance you’re also friends with them (on Facebook, and irl).