We all have those embarrassing photos of a much younger and quirkier version of ourselves hanging on the walls of our parents' house. For most of us, we try to mentally block out our terrible middle school days and replace them with ones from after our "glo-up".
1. Even when you're having a bad hair day you still feel good about yourself.
Hey, it could be a lot worse. At least you finally mastered your way around a straightener or a curling iron. Double points if you know exactly what hair products work for your hair.
2. You're a master at socialization.
Once you started coming out of your awkward stage, you began to become a social butterfly. You know just the right things to say in every situation.
3. You've deleted numerous photo albums on Facebook from your middle school days.
The last thing you want is for your friends to "like" them so it shows up on everybody's newsfeed. They don't need to know you wore your favorite Limited Too shirt almost every week.
4. Most people don't remember they went to middle school with you.
Nothing is more awkward than reconnecting with somebody you knew at age 14 and they think you're meeting for the first time.
5. The boys that never noticed you in the hallway are finally noticing you.
As Drake would say, "You ain't really f- with me way back when, girl how 'bout now? Cause I'm up right now."
6. You're thankful for the friends you've kept post "glo-up" because you know they like you for you.
You can still reminisce about the days you had a High School Musical movie marathon and sing every Jonas Brothers' song because you still remember them word for word.
7. Your mom doesn't understand why you won't let her share a picture from 2008 to all of her friends on Facebook.
Just because you're not friends with that boy I like doesn't mean he still can't see it. For the record, nobody should see that.
8. She tries to assure you that you were still cute even at age 13.
You had a face only a mother could love.
9. You're secretly jealous of all the pre-teens you see on Instagram that look the same age as you do now.
They never had to experience life before the art of eyebrows, contouring, and highlight.
10. You try to forget how awkward and insecure you felt when you were younger.
Some memories are harder to block out than others.
11. But you still love yourself even back then because you were the Great Value version of what you are now.
You'll always still be slightly awkward deep down, but you've come to appreciate your awkward stage because..
12. You didn't peak at age 14!
Back then, you would have given anything to be cool and popular. Now, you're thankful that you didn't peak early on because you love your life and you wouldn't change anything about it.