You have done the research. You have spent cartridges of ink, along with packs of paper, printing out all your research. You feel confident that you have everything neatly organized and stored as you prepare for college. Yet just like all of us, you will forget things. You will panic and call your parents begging for them to return with the items you need to only realize you forgot other stuff. Unfortunately, your parents most likely cannot run back and forth to your school everyday or every week with everything you discover you forgot. So here are just a few items that many people forget:
1. Boot Tray
You most likely will experience snow or ice or rain or all three during some part of the year. You may think it is no big deal to stomp into your room with wet shoes but after a while it gets old. Boot trays allow you to place those gross shoes outside for them to dry.
2. Keurig
Okay, so you may not forget this one but make sure you have it. You may think that it is cheaper and easier to just buy coffee on campus, off campus, or in the cafeteria. On campus and off campus coffee stops add up quickly. Whether you think it now or not, you will be thankful to have a machine that can make hot cocoa, coffee, tea, iced tea, etc. Make the investment; it is worth it.
3. Safe
If your dad is anything like mine, he will look at you and go “no safe?" You'll say "Safe? For what?!" He will then remind you that you are living amongst strangers who, no matter how well you know them, may help themselves to things that their eyes do not need to see. Get the safe to protect yourself.
4. Brita Pitcher
That water is nasty. No I'm not kidding. For the safety of yourself and guests, invest in a Brita pitcher that filters your water.
5. Flash Drive
You are probably asking yourself if I am from the dinosaur age. Thank you, but no. You will be shocked to learn that WiFi at home and school are totally different. At home you don't have many people to compete with for perfect reception, in college you will have dozens if not hundreds of peers trying to finish that paper or binge watch Netflix at the same time as you. Help yourself out and invest in a Flash Drive, these small cheap devices often can be hooked up to a printer or a school computer that is likely to have better Internet Connection.
6. Duct Tape
I can not tell you how many of my friends have come over asking for duct tape. It may seem weird but you will need it for random things.
7. Costumes
Halloween will be here before you know it. Instead of spending $50 on costumes last minute for those dances and parties, just bring stuff from home. You'll need that money for other things. Keep things simple though, and reusable.
8. Earplugs and Sleep Mask
Noise? What is this concept? Believe it or not, your roommate may snore or talk in their sleep. Your neighbors may throw all-night parties, it is college. Everyone has a different schedule and they won't often come knocking to see if they are disturbing you. To be on the safe side, invest in earplugs and sleep mask.
9. Sporting Equipment
While most colleges have sports equipment for your usage, other students will have the same idea as you. It is a good idea to have a few things with you.
10. Doorstop
Not everyone on your floor or in your dorm will want to keep their doors open and that is their choice. The best way to meet people though is to keep your door open. Many stores now sell doorstops that are customizable so keep it cheap but cute.
11. Shoes to walk around your dorm
Shower shoes are a must but preserve them for bathroom trips and the shower. You won't want to wear them around your floor or dorms as you visit friends or pick up prints.
12. Bookends
There is nothing more annoying then when your books fall in the middle of the night. Bookends help keep books and other items organized along with keeping them from falling.
Follow the advice of others and this list and you should be golden for move-in day. If you do forget anything, don't panic. Your parents love visiting. Plus, Amazon Student Prime is a great resource.
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