When our lives become too hectic there are many small things that seem to slip through the cracks. We tell ourselves they aren't important, but in the end they all add up. That is why it is important to make sure to do these 12 things every single day for a better life and a better you.
1. Wake up saying that today is going to be a good day
It's easy to wake up in a bad mood. It's too early, you might have a test or a long day of work later, your night sucked, or you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Waking up with a bad mood can go a long way. Everything becomes negative. That's why you have to wake up with the idea that today will be a good day. Don't set yourself up for another bad day.
2. Exercise
To some of you this might be scary, but exercising isn't as hard as it seems. Exercising can be anything from taking a walk down the road, to lifting, to doing some yoga. They can be from 10 minutes to an hour. There are plenty of apps on your phones that you can get to help you if you don't know how to. Exercising has many benefits that will help you have a better life. One of them being that it releases Endorphins, which I call the "happy hormone." It literally makes you feel better. Exercise is the best medicine, so go do it.
3. Take time for yourself
This is a biggie that everyone seems to forget about. When you have homework, meetings, work, and everything else piled up, it's hard to find time for yourself when you're running from one thing to the next. It is crucial to take time for yourself or else you will get overwhelmed. Always try to plan time in your day to just sit down and relax, and have 'you time' to do something you love.
4. Unplug
Our generation is obsessed with technology, especially our phones. We can barely walk without them. It's important to have time without your phone, and no, being in class doesn't count as time without your phone. I mean doing something that doesn't involve having technology. Possibly go to the gym or go outside and actually enjoy nature! Being outside has many health benefits also. It releases stress. So unplug and do something.
5. Spend time with the people you care about
Even if you're an introvert and enjoy being alone most of the time, it's good to have time with family and friends also. Who doesn't enjoy having somebody to laugh with and just talk to? It sucks being in your head and alone all the time.
6. Sleep
I can remember days when I would go with three hours of sleep every night. Yeah, that was not OK. My body crashed, my mind crashed, and I got sick. You need sleep. Even if you have huge tests to study for or a ton of homework, it's important to give your body time to rest. If you don't, you won't be on your A-game anyways, so you'll only be doing yourself more harm. By sleep I don't mean a few hours, either. I mean a good solid undisturbed eight hours of passed out, drooling-all-over-your-face sleep.
7. Learn something new
Every day. Build upon yourself and learn something new. It could be something about another person, something from the news, a blogpost, or whatever it may be. There are so many things we don't know.
8. Laugh and Smile
It feels good, it makes people feel good, it makes people feel more comfortable approaching you, and it's pretty self-explanatory. Hopefully this GIF made you smile a little.
9. Eat
Some people are stress-eaters, and some people forget to eat three full meals a day because they don't have time. Chips that you grabbed on your way to your next task do not count as a meal. Take time to sit down and eat and try to eat with your friends. Health is both physical and mental, and it is found that eating with people helps with your mental health. Try to eat with people you know if you can, too.
10. Tell Yourself You Love Yourself
It's easy to get down on yourself. We tend to forget the amazing human beings that we are and all the great things we do. If you walk in front of a mirror, make sure to stop and say something positive about yourself, like "You're the bomb," or, "Damn, you looking good." You must love you.
11. Do something that scares you
Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "Do one thing that scares you every day." We constantly live in our comfort zones, afraid to step outside into the unknown. If we live our lives like that, how will we ever grow and learn new things, meet new people? Step outside your comfort zone. It is the only way that you will be able to make new experiences in your life.
12. Think of something good that happened today
When you're laying down in bed at night you should think of something positive that happened today. Even if the day was absolutely horrible, there is always something good that happened. It will help you fall asleep easier if you go to bed with a positive mind, and who doesn't like sleeping?