Growing up, I had the wonderful luck of having not one, but two brothers. While I definitely wished for a sister at times, I really learned some valuable lessons that anyone with brothers can relate to.
1. It's really hard to gross you out.
Boogers, farts, poop jokes etc. None of that stuff phases you.
2. You can hold your own in any sort of sibling fight.
You've definitely been in the middle of one before and you can easily fight back.
3. You never saw any toys as "just for boys" or "just for girls."
Growing up, my brothers and I would combine our toys even. My older brother and I would combine my dolls with his Rokenbok.
4. You're used to nobody wanting to play the same games as you.
I would always want to play "house," "school," or another game in that vein growing up. My brothers would participate by being the "principal" or "baby" and going off and playing video games.
5. You value your girlfriends that much more.
Someone who actually wants to play the games I want? Amazing.
6. You become friends with guys really easily
You can relate to and connect with guys easily because you grew up around them.
7. You're really bad at sharing a room because you never had to
My brothers were bitter about this one for a long time, but beyond the age of 4 I never had to share a room since I'm the only girl. I always had my own room so it's difficult sharing a room with someone when I've never had to.
8. You probably have seen a lot more sci-fi and superhero movies than princess movies
More often than not, your vote got drowned out on movie night or when you went to see a movie. As a result, you really like Star Wars.
9. You played a lot of laser tag.
Laser tag was what my brothers always wanted to do on their birthdays or for fun. Now you really like laser tag and are kind of good at it.
10. You were incredibly jealous of anyone who had sisters.
They must have been so lucky to have sisters and not brothers.
11. You and your mom have a special relationship as a result
After all, you were the only two girls in the house. Boy Scout camp week/weekends were just full of girl time.
12. They might be weird, gross, and annoying at times but they're still your brothers and you wouldn't trade them for the world.
They might gang up on me, or just be weird in general but they're still my brothers and I love them a lot.