As a woman, there are things that people say that make us want to physically harm them. While we have come a long way, there is still more work to be done!
1. "Oh, it must be that time of the month."
2. "When are you having kids?"
Maybe I don't want kids. Maybe I do. Maybe it's none of your business!3. "Are you sure you can carry that?"
Yes, I am a woman. No, I don't need your help! When I do actually help, it is because you are dumb enough to do it for me.4. "You should wear your hair down more!"
Yeah, how about no. You trying wearing 12 inches of thick hear when it's 90 degrees outside.
5. "Calm down."
Oh, you want me to calm down? How about you go screw yourself.
6. Catcalling
7. "You can't drive, you're a woman!"
Says the one who races another car at a stop light with a cop behind them.
8. "Go make me a sandwich."
The only way I'm making you a sandwich is if you are between two cars.
9. "You have too many shoes."
How does the amount of shoes I own affect your quality of life? Oh wait, it doesn't! So don't worry about it.10. "You look fine without makeup!"
Do you think I wear makeup to impress you? NO! I wear it for myself. I really couldn't care less what you think!11. "You should smile more."
Smiling means that I have to act like I like you. Which I don't.12. Real women have _____.
Curves? A boyfriend? Perfect eyebrows? No. Real women don't put up with this crap.