The Holiday Season is here and if you're like me and any other college student with a job, you have to stay in your college town a few extra days during the Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks (or maybe even stay for all of it). But nonetheless, we are here, we are adults, and we are thriving. Here are a few things to do when you're stuck in your college town when most of your friends go home for the Holidays.
1. Go to the movies.
There are so many good movies out right now from Horror to War Thrillers. Going to the movies alone might seem intimidating but it's actually a lot of fun!
2. Pick up extra shifts at work.
With everyone leaving someone is bound to need you to cover their shift. Take as many as possible because more money to treat yo'self.
3. Clean your room.
Trust me, you will appreciate coming home to a clean apartment.
4. Clean your bathroom.
Refer to No. 3, thank me later.
5. Clean out your pantry.
With the Holidays coming up every local food pantry/church is doing a food drive. Clear out your pantry of all the food you know you're not going to eat and give it to those who will appreciate it!
6. Take a drive down a back road.
Tallahassee is basically on the FL/GA line. If you're around here, take Thomasville Road and keep going straight. Dress up and take a cute pic for Insta.
7. Go to the gym.
No one is there to judge you, no more excuses.
8. Get crafty.
Paint a canvas, paint a cooler, paint your letters, paint a wall, paint your dog, paint everything.
9. Binge watch a movie/Netflix series.
Helloooo Freeform's 25 Days of Christmas
10. Get a jump start on final exam reviews.
Four cumulative exams? That's not for another few weeks, yeah I'll be fine...
11. Enjoy the emptiness of campus.
The weather is gorgeous. Sit outside the library and study to your hearts content.
12. Pack.
Because we all just want to go home, man.