Growing up, my mom always had set phrases she'd say to me, "momisms" I think they are called. There were a good 10 to 12 that she would always say and they would drive me bonkers. But I mean, not all of them were just sayings. I finally have some replies, Mom.
1. Am I talking to a brick wall?
Some of the times, I think you actually were talking to a brick wall. Honestly, because I would stand there and be present but I did not absorb half of what you said.
2. Close the door! You don't live in a barn.
But with my sisters and me, you'd think we lived in a zoo.
3. Don't sit too close to the television, it'll ruin your eyes.
You were so right, cause I am having trouble looking at this laptop screen, and at my text books and I need glasses now.
4. I brought you into this world, and I can take you right back out!
Although I see where you are coming from, it's morally not OK.
5. Look at me when I'm talking to you.
This is one (of many) of the most important things I think you have taught me. It's taught me to look at coaches, teachers, bosses, my boyfriend. Everyone. Thank you!
6. What part of "No" don't you understand?
I think I never understand the N, the O made sense to me like "O sure" but I never understood why there was an N in front of it.
6. How can you have nothing to wear? Your closet is FULL of clothes!
You'd be so proud, I have a solid 10 outfits I wear every week—I always have clothes now!
7. "I don't know" is NOT an answer.
Technically it was, just it wasn't the one you ever wanted. Like, ever.
8. If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times.
No Mom, although some things you did tell me a thousand times. Like "clean this room" and "make your lunch."
9. Look at this room! It looks like a pigsty!
Yea, my room was always a mess and I don't think you want to take a look at my dorm room...
10. You will ALWAYS be my baby.
I use to hate hearing this, but looking back- it put things into perspective and helps me realize why, even though I'm 18, you get so nervous with me being away and doing new things.
11. When you have kids of your own you'll understand
You'd be happy to hear that I don't have any kids so I can't give a good response to it.
12. I will always love you—no matter what.
I know you will Mom, and that's why you're the best!