1. The movies
From the classics like The Grinch and The Polar Express, to the Hallmark and Lifetime movies, they put you into the Christmas spirit.
2. The music
They give the mood of magic!
3. The lights
No one can resist the beauty of the lights. It's nice to just drive around to see all of the lights at night, or go to light festivals.
4. Santa
He is real, and he is lit.
5. Snow
There is nothing more magical than the inspiration behind Snow Globes
6. A break
From work or from school.
7. Picking out a tree
It's so much fun to find the perfect tree for your living room.
8. Baking
So. Many. Cookies.
9. Feeling closer to your faith
Whether you are very close to your faith or not, Christmas is a celebration of Christ.
10. Decorating
Decorations make your home and stores seem so much more enchanting.
11. All of the festivities and dressing up for them
Ugly Christmas Sweater parties, the parades, reindeer festivals, dressing up for Christmas card pictures, are all so fun.
12. Time with loved ones
Make sure you take time to stop and appreciate who your are spending the holidays with and to be grateful.