Whether you grew up in a Catholic family or you recently converted, there are a few things that all us Catholics can relate to. From CCD classes before Mass to having McDonalds Fish Fillet sandwhiches every Friday during lent, here are just a few things we all can relate to.
1. Leaving for Mass a full hour before it starts
You don't want to leave any later in fear of having to stand the entire time.
2. Always wanting to be the one to put money in the collection basket
Admit it, it was a little exciting when it was your turn
3. The confusion you feel when your friend takes you to a Non-Catholic church
Am I going to church or a concert? LMK
4. Having a section in your closet dedicated for Mass
Growing up you weren't allowed to wear them for any other occasion, and now you only wear them because a T-Shirt, Norts and Chacos are not appropriate.
5. Catching yourself genuflecting while going into an aisle of seats. For example a movie theater
And then pretending to drop your phone or fall to cover your embarrassment
6. Not knowing whether to hold your hand out or stick out your tongue during communion
Getting confused on which hand is supposed to go on top. In the end you just stuck out your tongue.
7. Never understanding how people can make a perfect cross out of palm leaves
When yours turns out like this
Let's face it, most of us give up after the first try
8. The dance we do at every Mass
Sit, stand, kneel and repeat!
12. Having an instant connection with someone when you find out you share the same Patron Saint
Saint Maria Goretti is my home girl
10. Feeling cool on Ash Wednesday when your ashes look like a cross
And then confused when it doesn't
How is this a cross??
11. Having to remember to not eat meat on Friday's during Lent
Fish Fillet sandwiches are the go to meal
12. And finally, having the best community of brothers and sisters
Shout out to all my CSU people!