The nail salon is where girls (and even guys) go treat themselves. There is nothing like taking an hour or two out of the day. But sometimes, it can be a stressful time at the nail salon. Can you relate?
1. "Square or Round?"
One of the biggest decisions you have to make in your life.
2. Putting your feet in boiling hot water.
Shout out to the ladies that feel the water while filling up the little foot-tub.
3. Picking out a color...
ESPECIALLY under pressure when the nail lady is ready and waiting for you to sit down and you STILL can't decide.
4. Cringing when your cuticles are pushed too far back.
All I can say is, "ow."
5. Wondering halfway through the process if you chose the right color.
Second doubts are the worst. But it usually ends up working out in the end anyway.
6. Trying not to laugh or kick your nail technician during the ticklish- callous-scrubby part.
It all goes fine until he/she stops scrubbing my heel and scrubs towards the middle of the foot.
7. Hoping the technicians aren't talking about you.
I mean, what are the chances anyway? (Probably very high).
8. Being asked if you want a design.
And kindly saying, "no thank you" because you are way past the phase of a flower being painted on their big toe or ring finger.
9. Becoming best friends with your nail technician.
It's the kind of relationship guys have with their barbers. You will never trust anyone else with your nails or your life details. But that just goes to show you how often we go to the salon...
10. Having to pay before your nails are even done.
I understand why they ask but come on. In the middle of my relaxation time?!
11. But the satisfying feeling of getting your nails done.
Congratulations. You are now a changed person.
12. Getting acrylics on.
There is just something about long nails that make you start moving your hands in a different way, and you feel so empowered with a set of fierce nails, you know?