Everyone knows losing weight and being healthy isn't the easiest thing in the world. Being healthy and trying to lose weight means changing your entire lifestyle, which can be a challenge and time consuming. Today, it's easier to pick up a fast food meal instead of preparing a proper meal and with the abundance of fast food restaurants, temptations are everywhere. Staying on track isn't always easy, so here are a few things to remember when you're trying to lose weight.
1. Losing weight doesn't happen over night.
Losing weight takes time. If the number on the scale doesn't change don't get discouraged; keep working and you will see the results.
2. Don't feel ashamed to tell people you're losing weight.
You're going to come across times where people ask, "Why are you eating so healthy?" Don't be ashamed to tell people you're trying to lose weight. Own it. Don't be ashamed you're doing something amazing and it's life changing and not everyone is able to attempt to change their life.
3. Don't starve yourself.
Starving yourself will hurt you more than it'll help you. Starvation is the worst thing you could do when trying to lose weight. Losing weight the healthy way and correct way will get you the results you really want.
4. Eat a big but healthy meal.
Make sure you are full after a meal. Don't skimp out just because you want to reach your goal. If you're still hungry, add more vegetables or fruit, less calories but more substance.
5. Take the time to learn how to read a nutrition label.
It doesn't take that long to learn how to read a nutrition label so take that time. Once you do, it'll be so much easier to eat healthy and keep track of how much you eat.
6. Make sure you are getting the right amount of nutrients.
Don't skimp out any one nutrient. If needed, download a calorie counting app that'll tell you how many calories you should be eating and how many grams of each nutrient you should be in-taking.
7. Don't feel guilty if you splurge a little.
If you have a craving, treat it and don't feel guilty... just don't eat too much of it.
8. Bring a lunch from home to a long work or school day.
You'll not only save money, but you'll be less tempted to get an unhealthy meal and you'll know exactly what you are putting in your body.
9. Make substitutes.
When starting a new diet and being healthy it can be hard to cut out the bad foods you are so used to eating. So instead of cutting them out completely make healthy substitutions like sub out peanut butter with almond butter or fruit snacks with fresh fruit.
10. "Cheat day" isn't pigging out all day.
Cheat day isn't just sitting around all day eating everything you can't eat on your diet; it means having one meal or one snack that isn't healthy for you, like eating a slice of pizza. Everyone needs a slice of pizza sooner or later.
11. Muscles vs. fat.
Having muscle increases your metabolism so you will burn more calories at rest with a pound of muscle than a pound fat.
12. Don't solely focus on the number on the scale.
The number on the scale going down is a good feeling, but also how your body starts to look is even better. It shows progress more than the number on the scale.