Being an out of state student comes with lots of obstacles. As an out of state student you deal with everything from homesickness to not being able to the god awful, out-of-state tuition. Though you love your school and wouldn't imagine being anywhere else, sometimes going to school in another state can be a struggle.
1. People constantly ask you why you didn’t go to college in your home state.
This question comes up a lot and it can become very annoying. So you nicely reply "I want to make a life for myself in a new place. I want to experience the world outside of what I’ve been used to for so long."
2. You sometimes envy the people that get to go home.
You hate the people that get to go home. Well, you don't actually hate them. Once in a while, you’ll miss homemade food and your mom’s hugs. Or sometimes you just want to be around your family.
3. Homesickness is very real.
Sometimes you’ll get really sad after talking on the phone with one of your family member’s and you don’t understand the feeling that you’re feeling. This is homesickness. It creeps up when you least expect it.
4. Everyone comments on your accent (if you have one).
“Whoa you’re from Michigan! That’s why you talk funny!” *insert eye roll here* Yes I'm very aware I pronounce certain words different than you. Thank you for stating the obvious.
5. You rarely ever get to go home.
Christmas and Spring break are your friends because you can actually leave campus to go home. Sometimes you just need a change of scenery.
6. Facetiming your family can be bittersweet.
You miss seeing their faces but sometimes it makes being homesick worse because you wish you were with them. But let's be honest, the main reason you Facetime your family is to see your pets.
7. Having two different lives in two different states can be hard to keep up with.
“Which doctor am I calling?” “What’s their name again?” “Did I transfer my prescription for medication over for the break?” “What billing address do I use?”
8. You miss your pets more than you thought you would.
You knew you were going to miss your pets, but you didn't think it could be possible to miss them as much as your family. Who knew you would miss that damn cat so much while you were gone away.
9. You miss your friends from college when you’re home.
Summers are hard because you don’t have the luxury of driving an hour or so to see all the friends you made. Texting is nice but it's not the same as seeing them in person all the time.
10. Out of state tuition is killer.
Let's be real, out of state tuition is expensive. Applying for every scholarship and loan is almost essential. Loans and scholarships are your best friend.
11. You’re kind of an outsider at times.
“What does a tornado look like?” “So that’s what an earthquake feels like!” “I’ve never heard of that restaurant before.”
12. You love that your home life and school life can be separate.
Doing your own thing in college is great and an important experience. When you’re home you don’t have to worry about any assignments being due. You can finally enjoy your family. Being home for a long period of time is a necessary time for reflection and reevaluation.