The first thing someone asks when you say you are in show choir is “So is it like 'Glee?'” You just sigh and roll your eyes because you know that only people in show choir can really understand how your life works. Your life might seem crazy, but you know that all of your hard work is well worth it in the end.
1. Glitter
In show choir, the more glitter, the better. It’s really something you can’t escape, and it is normal to not have a single inch of your car or bedroom glitter free.
2. Stage Makeup
Show choir kids know the pain of wearing so much makeup that it is inevitable your face will break out. You have your own makeup bag just for show choir filled with red lipstick, fake eyelashes, and everything in between. If you feel like you are wearing too much makeup, you probably need more.
3. Hair
The bigger the hair, the better. If your bump doesn’t reach heaven is it even a show choir bump? You can’t be tender headed in the show choir world because having your hair teased is always a must.
4. You Live in the Choir Room
Before the school year even starts you are already back in the choir room. Practice makes perfect. You basically never sleep. Show choir kids don’t really get to venture outside the choir room, especially when show choir season approaches.
5. Sparkly Dresses
Sparkles are always a must for show choir costumes. Sparkles in the stage lights make the perfect statement. The more you stand out, the more the judges remember you.
6. Facials
If your face doesn’t hurt from your facials then you weren’t doing enough. You want the judges to see the big smiles, the sass, the anger, the passion, and everything in between. The facials tell the story of the show. The crazier the facials the better. Facials can make or break a performance.
7. You Can’t Be Shy
Probably everyone in your show choir has seen you half naked. Costume changes are quick, so there is no time to be shy when it comes to changing.
8. In Sickness and Health
It doesn’t matter if you are sick, you will be on that stage. You might be bleeding or have strep, but that doesn’t stop you from giving it your all on the stage.
9. Bus Rides
Choir bus rides are the worst and best experiences in the world. On the bus is where people can really bond, but also, you can’t escape. Lots of noise and singing is inevitable.
10. Choir Director
Your choir director pushes you to always do your best. You spend basically all your time with them. They are probably like a second mom or dad to you.
11. The Feeling of Performing
Honestly nothing compares to the feeling of being on stage. There is something magical about doing what you love with the people you love. As long as you come off of the stage feeling like you did your best, then you won.
12. Family
Your show choir team is your family. You spend every moment with them, and you would not trade them for the world. Sometimes you fight, but that happens in families. No matter what happens, you always have each other’s backs.