Making the move from living with your parents to living on your own can be quite challenging. When I first moved to Huntsville, Texas, to attend Sam Houston State University, my little world was turned upside down. I went from a tiny town to a small city filled with people I didn't know. However, after a while, Huntsville became my second home. Here are a few things new Bearkats need to know before beginning school at SHSU, as told by current and former SHSU students:
1. Know that you should start working out now.
Seriously. There are hills and stairs everywhere at Sam. If you start working out a bit, you won't struggle as much trying to walk up, what I like to describe as, almost-mountains. Also, once school starts, take advantage of the gym. After all, you're paying for it!
2. Know that you need to buy an umbrella and rainboots. When it rains here, it pours.
You'll thank me later.
3. Know that getting a job can be a great thing. If you can find one on campus, even better.
I've worked on campus since the second week of my freshman year. A job will teach you the value of a dollar as well as provide structure. If the thought of getting a job is overwhelming, on-campus jobs are great for students because they are specifically designed for students. Your employer will be super flexible because you are a student first, employee second.
4. Know that learning to budget will make your life much less stressful.
Do you really need that $4 cup of coffee every morning before class? That will cost you $20 a week! Think about it. $80 a month can be equated to two weeks worth of groceries or even a new pair of running shoes. Treat yourself once in a while but don't get in the habit of spending your money frivolously.
5. Know that treating your classes like a job ensures you will be successful.
Work hard and take pride in your work. If you skipped work all the time, you'd lose your job. If you skip class all the time, you will most likely fail. Classes are expensive! Go to class and get your money's worth. Also, understand that procrastinating is setting yourself up for failure. Don't wait until the last minute to complete your assignments. (P.S. The fountain is a fantastic place to read or study!)
6. Know that you should join clubs!
SHSU has hundreds of student organizations! Find a couple of clubs you really enjoy and be active in them. Remember, quality over quantity. (The photo above is from a recent trip I took with the Bearkat History Club to Austin!)
7. Know that SHSU's Academic Success Center is here to help you.
This is a service that your tuition pays for; take advantage of it! The Academic Success Center (ASC) offers free reading, writing and math tutoring for students as well as supplemental instruction for a variety of other subjects. The tutors know their stuff and are extremely helpful. Make sure you make an appointment a few days before you'd like to meet with a tutor to hold your spot!
8. Know that it may take you time to adjust to living away from home, and that's OK.
Being away from home for the first time is difficult! It may take a few months to truly adjust to not being around your family each and every day. My biggest advice is to be involved on campus, get plugged into a good church, and take time to explore Huntsville to keep your mind occupied. Before you know it, Huntsville will be your second home!
9. Know that making connections is an essential part of college.
Seriously, y'all. College is the place to make connections. So, talk to your professors. Communicate your plans and dreams with the ones you consider advisors. These are the people that will help you throughout the rest of your life.
10. Know that partying all of the time will make college very difficult.
Partying until 3 a.m. on Thursday night and waking up for that test you have at 8 a.m. the next morning is setting yourself up for failure. If you plan on partying, party smart.
11. Know that Bearkats don't wear purple.
We. Do. Not. Wear. Purple.
12. Know that that college really does fly by.
Before you know it, you'll be entering your senior year, as I am, wondering where the time has gone. So, enjoy this time in your life. Make friends. Have fun. Study hard and pray harder. Fall in love with Sam Houston State University the way I have. It'll be the best decision you've ever made.